
Sunday, March 30, 2014


Gary Con VI
Janet and I had the pleasure of attending this yearly event these past few days. Gary Con is special to me because, of course, it connects directly with Gary Gygax and it is just outside Lake Geneva, but also because many of my friends and colleagues are present as well.  Though it is growing every year, this event has retained a certain friendliness and personality that much larger venues can no longer hope to offer. Where else would you be able to encounter this many former TSR folk without actually trying? The cocktail party Saturday night was a success and new familiar faces were there as well. The high point for me was spending some good time with an old friend whom I hadn't seen for thirty years: Merle Rasmussen, the designer of the original Top Secret game. Merle left TSR in 1984, about a year after I started there. Although he enjoyed a long and fruitful career in his native Iowa (and still does), he connected recently with Jayson Elliott at (new) TSR/Gygax Magazine and Luke Gygax. I was also very pleased to chat with Betty Elmore whom I hadn't seen for almost as long. Many other friendly faces haunted the halls of Geneva Ridge that cold, crisp evening. Sorry I didn't get everybody.  All good times must come to an end, so I'll post my pictures here for your enjoyment . . . and get back to work on my current project.

Gary Con
Dungeoncrawl meets SF

Gary Con
Le Mans!
Gary Con
Tom Wham running his space dragons game--one of my favorites!
Gary Con
Kifflie Scott and Steve Sullivan
Dungeonmaster Tim Kask
Gary Con
Circus Maximus
Gary Con
Tim Kask adjudicating Circus Maximus
Gary Con
Luke Gygax
Gary Con
Dori a.k.a. Dali O-Ryan, and Jim Ward
Gary Con
Artists' Panel: Larry Elmore, Diesel, and Clyde Caldwell
Gary Con
Artists' Panel (Part II): Jeff Butler & Jeff Easley
Gary Con
A long series of pictures follow depicting the Arneson-Gygax Exhibit.
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Yes, its' a guaranteed authentic Xerox.
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
Gary Con
At The Cocktail Party: Jeff Butler, Jeff Easley, and Douglas Niles
Gary Con
At the Cocktail Party: Dori a.k.a. Dali O'Ryan
Gary Con
At the Cocktail Party:Marlene Vail, Sue Weinlein, Karen Conlin
At the Cocktail Party: Marlene Vail, Sue Weinlein, and Ann Brown
Gary Con
At the Cocktail Party: Jackie and Merle Rasmussen
Gary Con
At the Cocktail Party: Lisa LaForce, Diesel, Lester Smith, and Dale Donovan
Gary Con
At the Cocktail Party: Betty and Larry Elmore
Gary Con
At the Cocktail Party: Harold Johnson, Jennifer Lininger, and Betty Elmore
Gary Con
At the Cocktail Party: Amanda Zeidler & Demona DiRosa

Gary Con
At the Cocktail Party: Anne Brown, David Wise, Bruce Heard, and Marlene Vail
 Cheers to all!  See you there once more, in 2015.

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