
Friday, March 7, 2014

March Update

Ahoy!  Backers of the Star Phoenix!

As of early March, the Calidar project is proceeding apace.

Since last February, the first 63 pages have already gone through the editing process with Karen S. Conlin. This includes the main story, "In Stranger Skies," the overview of Calidar's universe (the planets, the moons, the races, and the gods), and the world of Calidar (the continents, the world soul, the Dread Lands, the Great Caldera, an overview of the realms, and a detailed historical timeline).

Meanwhile, writing continued for the Kingdom of Meryath gazetteer: its history, geography, economy, diplomacy, armies, internal politics, the culture of heroes, calendar, holidays, the NPC section (Heroes of the Star Phoenix and Heroes of Meryath), and the Guilds and Brotherhoods section.

As this happened, the map for the city of Glorathon was completed and handed over with the above material to Ed Greenwood for him to write up the city description. Information has been going back and forth between the author and Thomas Reid for the Pathfinder material.  The gist of this is that NPC and monster stats will be written in Pathfinder terms. Ben Wootten has delivered sketches for the Star Phoenix, while John Dollar continued working on internal illustrations.  Thorfinn Tait has been busy rendering the various realms of the Great Caldera--much of this has been completed. Still coming up are topographical maps for Caldwen, Osriel, and Narwan.  The others are done, but need to be keyed.  Illustrator Jack Crane has also joined the Calidar team and will be generating deck plans.

Still left for the author to write: Ships of Calidar, Space Travel, Monsters, and the book's introduction, credits, Honor Roll, and so on--about 12 pages-worth of text out of the final 130.

It's been a busy month since the last update.  Late contributions have been coming in since the end of the Kickstarter event. They are still being honored as described on the KS page, except for add-ons such as new RPG character cameos and new skyship names.  Late contributions can be made via the donations button located in the sidebar on the right.  

Be sure to contact beforehand to verify details.

Thank you all for your support!

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