
Monday, March 18, 2013

Not Ar: Gary Con V

Gary Con
This time around, I didn't drive to the convention with the windows down and my coat on the back seat.  Snow lingered on the ground and a brooding sky cast grayish hues upon the countryside.  It was so much warmer and cozier at the resort outside Lake Geneva.  Arriving just before 8:00 am, I hurried downstairs, picked up my badge, and charged into the gaming hall in the back.  

The cool big guy with the beard, the dragon bandana, and piles of tiny toys was Wayne Targo.  He ran Wings of War, a WWI air combat game.  I am a sucker for this stuff and spent the first two hours recklessly barreling through the sky with my Sopwith Camel, hunting for pesky Fokker Dr.Is.  One soon popped up in my sights, heading straight for me, and we both filled the air with lead.  I ducked behind my engine as projectiles whizzed and smacked all around me.  An instant later, the Fokker zoomed past while I dove into a nearby furball.  Amid sheer madness, I pulled an Immelman and found my nemesis once more, also full of holes. There we were, like knights at a joust, boldly challenging each other in a second head-on attack. My Vickers raging, his twin-Spandaus spitting back at me, the suicidal one-on-one unraveled.  Got him!  Down went the triplane. Snoopy scored again!  But no!  My engine had caught fire.  Wayne chuckled, gleefully taking notes.

Never mind the impending doom.  I yanked the stick to port, stepped on the left rudder pedal, and clenched my teeth, banking into the fray once more.  I zoomed this way and that, shooting bursts at everything with a black cross.  Missed, missed, and  missed again.  Jammed!  Rats. . . Smoke filled my cockpit and left a trail in my wake.  The engine complained and sputtered.  Its wings and tail shot full of holes and torn up, the Sopwith shuddered.  I had 2 points left out of my original 15.  It looked pretty grim when Wayne said, "By the way, your fire dies out!" Lucky me,  I made it, and with the only kill for the day.  The squadron broke off and finally hurtled away into the sunset.  My mechanic will have my hide when he sees what I've done to his baby.

The game was over, much more quickly that I wanted.  I'd be back the next day for another mission.  Little-bitty camera in hand, I went hunting not for triplanes but images.  Rather than explain everything in so many words, I thought pictures might do far better at sharing the fun.  I'm no Spielberg, but you'll get the point with the random encounters video below.

I included a series of stills, since I couldn't resist making a few more pictures along the way.

Gary Con Wayne Targo
Herr Flugmeister Wayne Targo, aka Von Deekin
Gary Con
Rob Kuntz (left) and Luke Gygax
Gary Con
James Ward
Gary Con
Tom Wham: "Uncle Tom Wants You!"
Gary Con
Frank Mentzer
Gary Con
Hackmaster Play Surface, backlit, with computer hookup
Gary Con
Panoramic view of a demo display (click on the image for a better view)
Gary Con
Same, further on the right (click on the image for a better view)
Gary Con
Quit playing with your coconuts!
Gary Con
Detail of the Jousting Tourney
Gary Con
Vikings on the beach!
Gary Con
Setting up for D-Day
Gary Con
Diesel's largest art piece to date!
Gary Con
The iconic sig
Gary Con
It's Saturday, and we're off to the TSR Dinner.  Peggy Cooper & Hubby.
Gary Con
Ken & Lesa Reek
Gary Con
From left: Patty Martin, Jeff Leason, Jonathan Coke
Gary Con
Tracy Isler (formerly Zamagne) & Hubby
Gary Con
Karen Conlin (formerly Boomgarden, right), her daughter Kelley (across), and leftward, Scott Douglas, Barb Young, Jim Lowder, Sue Weinlein, & Bill Connors.

Gary Con
From right: Barb Young, Jim Lowder, Sue Weinlein, Bill Connors
Gary Con
I'm so upset with this shot being out of focus.  My apology to you two!  Sue Weinlein & Bill Connors enjoying very good times.
Gary Con
Marlene & Kevin Vail (again, sorry for the "flou artisitique")
Gary Con
From left: Charles Kohl, Tim "Ollie" Cahoon & son
Gary Con
From left: Barb Nish & Charles Kohl
Gary Con
From left: Mike Carr, Jack Morrissey & wife
Gary Con
From left: Kifflie Scott, Flash-Borg Unit 3-77x, Elizabeth Baldwin, and last but not least, Margaret Weis
Gary Con
From left: Kifflie Scott & Borg Unit. . . um, Steve Sullivan!
Gary Con
From left: Keith Polster & son
Gary Con
Heidi Gygax
Gary Con
From left: Jon Pickens, Al Hammack, Bruce Nesmith
Gary Con
From left: Al "Disappearing Act" Buchholz and Aileen Dimery
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Sheryl Gustafson, Janet Deaver-Pack behind her.
Gary Con
From left: Mrs. (Mike) Cook, Debbie Conrad (formerly Poutsch), & Kathy Waldeck
Gary Con
From left: David Megarry & wife, and. . . Darn it, Jim!  Quit horsing around.  You came off all blurry in this shot.
Gary Con
Cindy & Dale Donovan, with daughter ducking for cover.
Gary Con
Kelley & "Peekaboo" Donovan no longer ducking for cover.
Gary Con
The curse of the blurry picture strikes again... sorry about that!  Janet "Tasselhoff" Deaver-Pack and David "Ravenloft" Wise
I do apologize to those I missed while I turned my attention to help the staff sort out everyone's orders.  As a result, I omitted an extra table with Laura Roslof, David "Diesel" & Lisa LaForce (formerly De Leon), and Harold Johnson.  I know that Tim Kask was there, but he vanished before I could reach his spot at the table.  A major thanks to Barb Nish who also helped out with the billing process.

Gary Con
It's Sunday morning and I'm back in the miniatures game room.
Gary Con
Jeff Burklow -- yes, I know, we're all waking up.
Gary Con
That one never falls asleep.
Gary Con
At the ready for another round of jousting.  Honor is Honor, plastic or not.
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After hours, when the lights go off, all the miniatures come here for the night. It's complicated.
Gary Con
A wide shot of the setup for Bridge on the Remagen
Gary Con
A Tribute to Gary Gygax
Gary Con
Hey! It's me. . . with the future Mrs Leonard, aka Princess Leia.
Gary Con
A last look behind the DM's screen
Gary Con
A cozy spot favored by James Ward, awaiting the next snow storm expected (and later confirmed) for the next day.
Gary Con
Out back, a view of Como Lake still mostly frozen behind the convention grounds (click on the panoramic image for a better view).
Gary Con
Fond Farewells until next year.


  1. I love these reports. Almost feels like being there! Thanks Bruce.

  2. Great report and nice pictures! Wish I could have been there :)

    1. The good news is that once again Gary Con has grown. It'll be there next year, bigger and better yet!

  3. The pictures look great. Alan Grohe's Aliens demo looked fantastic. I've heard about Wings of War (now Wings of Glory I think) and I've been eager to try it.

    Thanks for the Con report and pictures!

    1. Alan keeps bringing new stuff!

      WoW is indeed a lot of fun. Wayne developed additional mechanics for altitude and other refinements which make a great deal of difference with the game's dynamics. Well worth a try. . . and he lives in my neck of the woods! ::rubbing my hands::

    2. I'm hoping to bring another new board next year, Bruce, but we'll have to see how the space in the minivan works out---I was pretty packed full this year, and we'll have several new products in addition to the Aliens stuff for GaryCon VI....

      Do you mind if I repost your Aliens pics to my FB profile, duly credited of course?


    3. Of course, Allan. Go right ahead!

  4. Great stuff, Bruce. Particularly like my borg shot. If we'd tried, we couldn't have done that on purpose.

    1. I was stunned I caught the flash just as it started. A chance in a million! :-)

  5. A very nice read - and view, and look(s) - about the best four days in conventioning. Yes, that's a new word. I make them up as it suits me, and this one also avoids slogan entanglements! Very well done, Bruce.

  6. Thanks for taking all the pictures and video, Bruce. I'm terribly sorry that I missed you there. You did catch me briefly in the video (about 11:20), walking behind Rob Kuntz. Now, I know better what you look like and hope to get a chance to chat with you next year. :)

    Skip Twitchell

    1. Hi Skip! Sorry we missed each other. I'll be back next year. :-)


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