
Friday, March 22, 2013

Ar: Where Pegasus Roams

Continued from “Ar: Into the Manticore’s Lair”

Pegasus is an unusual district of Ar. It became a center of philosophy regarding the universe and immortals not long after Alphatians settled the region. Pegasi frequently visited the woods that once covered the entire area, especially near certain ponds and streams which, after observation, proved magical. The latter radiated dweomers beyond common Aran enchantments, and did not flow from natural underground sources. The notion that immortals had created them became widely accepted, especially since monsters that otherwise populated the region never approached them. Word spread that this water had healing and soul-enhancing properties. As settlers took over the lowlands, many began abusing or capturing pegasi for profit, or fought for access to magical water. Some bottled the liquid and promptly set up shop, while shady individuals sold common water at outrageous prices to unsuspecting victims. This deplorable state of affairs ended when a floating island was sent aloft, taking with it all of the enchanted sources. The undesirables were evicted, and the lowland was revitalized to make up for large sections of soil taken from its surface. Since then, the floating island became a natural preserve for pegasi, and a carefully managed area dotted with shrines dedicated to immortals of Ar.

Mystara Alphatia Ar Pegasus Hex Map
Lower Pegasus District -- Scale: 1 Hex = 8 Miles

Today, the lowland harbors about 40,000 people, or 97% of the district’s entire population. This quiet dominion features one village, Cloudport, and two towers on the border with the Stone Ridge Crags. Plains have largely been turned into farmland since the “reseeding” that followed the floating island’s departure.


Hills cover its entire surface, with a large mountain near its center. The original magical sources were incorporated to the new topography to enable as much privacy for visiting pegasi as possible. Access is restricted and requires approval of one of the clerical orders overseeing the island. Orders present on Pegasus Prime include Palartarkan, Ixion, Alphatia, Razud, Pharamond. . . and Nyx. In total, 1,147 people reside permanently on Upper Pegasus, most of them in the “lighthouse.” The latter is a fortress carved directly into the mountain. It harbors temples, quarters for visitors, military barracks, the viceroy’s palace, a skyport, and a large navigational beacon on the mountain’s peak. Although visitors can gain access to the lighthouse without too much clerical red tape, visits to the rest of the island are strictly controlled and require an escort.

Most of the district’s military remains at the lighthouse, along with five of their six skyships. The Pegasite navy includes one large and five small vessels used mostly to patrol the lower and upper districts, as well as the Stone Ridge Crags. The fleet’s vessels are the H.H.M.S. Arcane Steam, Sky Dust, Fog of War (the latter based in Cloudport), Star Bolt, Moonshadow, and the large skyship, the Great Mare.

Mystara Alphatia Ar Pegasus Hex Map
Upper Pegasus District -- Scale: 1 Hex = 8 Miles

Magical Ponds and Streams: immortals created them early during the world’s advent, one of several similar places on Mystara and in the Hollow World. They were devised to enable the faithful to come closer to their immortal patrons and receive guidance. They are most relevant to Spiritual Classes (clerics, paladins, druids, mystics, etc). Among Secular Classes (common fighters, thieves, magic-users, elves, dwarves, etc.) only the most devout individuals may benefit from powers available to Spiritual Classes if they are consistently role-played as pious characters and enjoy Wisdom scores 16 or higher. Up to three potion doses per person may be kept in containers if the latter are blessed and coated with gold on the inside. Attempts to abuse the water’s bounty, such as making very large containers or a great number of them, will spoil their contents. Effects are always relevant to the drinkers’ faiths (ponds and streams are not specific to any immortal) and are always subject to time limits given below. Unlike a common magic-user’s potion, if this hallowed water is saved in a container its effects vary with circumstances and a time factor must be considered between doses (see below).

Spiritual Classes: medicinal powers are available once a week, including cure serious wounds, cure blindness, cure disease, or remove curse. For characters 11th level or higher, the water also provides a temporary +1 Wisdom lasting one day; the modified score may exceed 18. Only one effect applies, based on the character’s own priorities at the time of consumption. The water does not cure lycanthropy or vampirism unless the drinker is of a Spiritual Class and at least of 11th level (no exceptions). Once a month, the water confers a commune spell. Although up to three questions may be asked, very often answers will be given in such a way to further the patron immortal’s personal goals. They often result in quests.

Secular Classes: medicinal powers are available once a month, including a cure light wounds, or a cure blindness, or a cure disease. Once in a lifetime, the water confers a commune spell, as above.

Where Pegasus Roams: the presence of flying horses near these ponds and streams is no coincidence. These mythical creatures came into being during the early eras of Mystara’s existence. Intended as the mounts of great leaders and heroes, they soon strove to reach loftier ends, not in terms of physical altitude but of spiritual elevation. Over time, the mightiest of them became directly associated with immortals. Greater pegasi enabled their riders to touch upon the world of the divine. In some unusual circumstances, they could bring worthy riders (or their souls) to meet their immortal patrons.

There are presently twelve greater pegasi. The oldest of them is the Great Mare, also known as the Star Pegasus, who attained immortality on her own. She answers to no one among the spheres. She concerns herself with the wellbeing and protection of common pegasi, and to a certain extent of all equines. In past centuries, she also engendered five greater pegasi who remain at the disposal of immortals requiring their services. They are named Dust, Fog, Smoke, Bolt, and Shadow. Although the Great Mare and her offspring are Lawful beings, the latter temporarily reflect the alignments of immortals they serve. Such service is always short lived, often involving a single, straightforward task. Great pegasi usually correspond to a specific sphere: Dust/Matter, Fog/Time, Smoke/Thought, Bolt/Energy, and Shadow/Entropy. However, immortals likely pick a servant best matching their temperaments. For example, Al Kalim from the Sphere of Time might select Dust or Smoke rather than Fog to serve his purposes. For a time, a grateful immortal may assign a greater pegasus to a worthy follower (high level paladins, knights, avengers, and clerics), usually for no more than the length of a quest or to complete unfinished business. Should one of her five greater pegasi be destroyed, the Great Mare would create another to take its place.

Mystara Alphatia Ar Heraldry
The remaining six greater pegasi are called rogues, creatures of chaos that came to light from diverse and obscure origins. They include Steel, Antimony, Amber, Quicksilver, Flash, and their leader, Crystal, all of whom can somewhat imitate their Lawful rivals’ appearances. They serve no one but themselves. They delight in waylaying those who associate with their rivals, and swaying to their side common pegasi. Rogues may choose to become someone’s mount for a time as long as it benefits their schemes and purposes. Crystal presently seeks immortality under Nyx’s aegis. She secretly harbors the desire to become the Great Mare’s nemesis.

Greater Pegasus*: AC-6, HD20******, MV 300’(100’)/600’(200’), AT2 hooves, Dmg 3d6/3d6, Save F20, ML11, In12, AL special. Monster Type: Planar Monster (unique). Special Abilities: although not an immortal, it is “ageless”; can cast dispel magic, word of recall, and travel once per day; can cast protection from lightning and control winds once per day as a 20th level druid. Special Defenses: +2 or better magical weapon to hit; immune to poison, fear, petrifaction, and 1st through 4th spell levels. Special Attacks: summon 2d6+6 pegasi once per day; can cast an earthquake spell as a 20th level cleric once per adventure—requires the greater pegasus to spend 1 Turn trampling the ground with its hooves.

  • Bolt: white—can also cast magic missiles as a 20th level magic-user once per day. Bolt has a reputation for being short tempered and grumpy, but otherwise loyal to a fault.
  • Dust: palomino—can turn itself along with its rider into a dust devil (a djinni’s whirlwind), once per day. This is a cheerful creature, somewhat of a prankster despite its prevailing Lawfulness.
  • Fog: dapple gray—can turn itself and its rider invisible three times per day. Fog is bashful when in the presence of many people or strangers and may accidentally adopt a gaseous form (10% chance), unceremoniously dropping its rider.
  • Shadow: black—immune to level draining attacks or creatures related to shadows. It likes darkness and can see perfectly through it, but tends to fall asleep if idle. When taking a nap in the dark, Shadow is thoroughly undetectable.
  • Smoke: chestnut—can cast confusion three times per day (rider is immune). Somewhat ADHD, Smoke is also known for sneezing and chuffing loudly when excited or angry (10% chance), accidentally producing an obscure effect (as the druid’s 2nd level spell).

  • Amber: palomino—this mare is part amber dragon. She may revert at will to her true appearance, revealing light golden reptilian scales and leathery wings. In this form, she can breathe fire three times a day like a 10HD ruby dragon.
  • Antimony: black—is poisonous to the touch (save vs. poison or die) but may also cast a cureall spell once per day. Any parts of this being are highly sought after by powerful alchemists and healers. The poison does not affect its rider.
  • Crystal: chestnut—in her true vitreous appearance, this mare can create and manipulate ice crystals once per day, as a magic-user’s stoneform spell. She is immune to cold-based attacks.
  • Quicksilver: dapple gray—in his true form, this stallion appears as a if he were made of mercury. He can squeeze through small spaces at will. Single physical attacks inflicting 20 point of damage or more against this creature will split its body into smaller replicas with half the original’s HD. Separate parts remain under Quicksilver’s mental control and can attack individually. They will seek to recombine after a battle.
  • Steel: blue roan—its true appearance reveals a mechanical creature. In combat, any metallic object coming in contact with Steel must succeed a saving throw vs. magic or rust. Each rusted item heals 1d6 points of damage inflicted upon Steel, +1d6 for each magical plus. The effect does not apply to its rider.
  • Flash: white—once a day, this mare can produce a powerful flash equivalent to a 10HD fireball spell (as regards damage and area of effect). Blind creatures are immune, but all nocturnal and negative energy beings save with a –4 penalty. If basic damage exceeds 30 points, the flash also produces a timestop effect, as the 9th level wizard spell. The amount of damage sustained indicates how long victims remain blinded: 5-20 1d4 rounds, 21-30 1d4 Turns, 31-40 1d4 hours, 41+ permanent.

The Great Mare

Patroness of Pegasi, also known as the Star Pegasus, or Epona in other cultures.

Nature: 17th level Celestial of Matter, Lawful—AC–6, hp260, HD31, MV600’(200’), AT 2 hooves or fists/1 wing or kick, Dmg 3d6, AM 60%, Save IM17, AL L; St20, In30, Wi50, Dx20, Co20, Ch26. Powers: call other (60% odds for a greater pegasus), detection suite, enhanced reflexes, increased movement rates.
Symbol: a white pegasus over a blue lozenge
Interests: the element of air; the creation and protection of pegasi, equines, and benevolent airborne races; she’s also a patron of messengers, heroes, adventurers, and explorers.
Locations: Wherever pegasi roam on Mystara and in the Hollow World; Floating Ar, the Elemental Plane of Air, and other planes.

Appearance: a large pegasus with a night-blue coat studded with stars like a nocturnal sky, and silver hooves. In a human form, she appears as a copper skinned woman. Star-like specks glitter in her black hair. Her clothing is always in shades of dark blue with silver edges. She may or may not have wings protruding from her back.

History: The Great Mare started her existence as a common pegasus. She served many times as the mount of heroes, and learned from them about immortals and their paths to quasi-divine status. By rights a hero herself, more than once did she snatch a champion from the jaws of certain death. Alas, she had no patron from whom she desired sponsorship. Oddly, she found her inspiration from magical pools immortals allegedly created for their followers to commune with them. In a higher state of mind from the mysterious water, a thought dawned and revealed a unique path. By then, she was developing her own brand of magic. The hallowed water prolonged her life and healed her wounds as she worked with the faithful of other immortals, or guided through the underworld the souls of the fallen to find solace. She grew in strength and ability until she attained immortality. Since then, she has instructed her kin to visit hallowed brooks on a regular basis, gain strength from them, and commune with her. In her long existence, the Great Mare engendered six offspring to serve the immortals in thanks for the pools. She is also rumored to have given birth to many legendary mounts.

Personality: The Great Mare honors true, selfless heroes, and strives to behave in a similar manner. She expects her followers to heed this philosophy. She despises cowardly, lying, and manipulative manners. She also loves freedom, wide open spaces, and as such she favors explorers and adventurers. Warriors are only accepted as long as they rise to defend their freedom and loved ones. She developed a friendship with Diamond with whom as they share a common experience in searching for a path to immortality and protecting one’s own kind.

Liege: None
Allies: Diamond (ruler of Lawful dragons), Odin (whose mount Sleipnir is rumored to have come from her), Palartarkan who once helped Bolt out of a nasty spot.
Enemies: none, other than the most chaotic, unpredictable, and malingering immortals, especially those seeking to harm her kin.
Followers' Alignment: Lawful or Neutral; clerics must be Lawful.
Favored Weapons: a hammer or mace with hoof-like or horse-head designs. Clerics of the Great Mare also receive a +1 to hit and damage with these weapons. Helmets with horsehair and wings are a must for paladins and knights.
Clerics' Abilities: encountered pegasi are always friendly; can speak with pegasi; at 5th level can ride pegasi as experts; at 10th level can care for, breed, and raise pegasi (skills are based on Wisdom and Charisma averaged); 4% chance per experience level of gaining the service of any encountered mature pegasus for one day, up to a maximum 80%. Hippogriffs and their allies are worst enemies.

Clerical Concerns: the hallowed streams and ponds remain an issue for the faithful who haven’t unearthed a fully satisfying answer to their presence. Exactly who created them remains unknown. The clerical orders on Pegasus Prime have not been able to receive a clear answer from immortal patrons as to their involvement. Only that it is fine to use them and to protect them has come through. Most of the faithful content themselves with the idea that their immortal patrons are the ones behind the hallowed water, but others long for closure on the issue. Divination and paleomancy seem to point out that these magical sources predate human civilization on Mystara, and possibly the earliest immortals native to this world. This eliminates a good number of immortals.

While constructing what later became Pegasus’s floating island, wizards and clerics excavated petroglyphs and other archeological artifacts alluding to the sources’ pre-Blackmoorian existence and their spiritual powers. Observers wondered that if not immortals, at least the known ones, then who else created the sources? It led a few philosophers to question the established order of immortals’ existence, their origins, and more importantly, their ultimate function. If “natural laws” enabled mundane life forms to attain immortality, then who brought them into effect and why? A notion emerged that something greater than immortals themselves had been at work in the shadows during eons, initiating the earliest immortals and implementing watery devices for the faithful to commune with them. Although the final purpose of it all still escapes the keenest minds, the entire philosophy struck a nerve among clerical orders, quickly earning disapproval and stern retribution. Peddlers of such dangerous beliefs are at best sought after so that they may be cleansed of their error, or at worst hunted down and executed for heresy. Concerned with what could weaken the fabric of society, and thus the empire’s stability, Alphatian monarchies support traditional clerical dogma, and outlawed the offending philosophy—all except one. Bettellyn has yet to come through on the matter.

In particular, Companions of Samarion have been curious about the hallowed ponds and the subversive philosophy surrounding them. Their presence in Ar remains exceedingly discreet. Under various guises, they seek out clues about the water’s origin, looking for renegade philosophers to extract whatever secrets they may know, all in hopes of explaining how their own patron attained immortality. Anyone captured in Ar or elsewhere by the clergy, the local monarchy, or imperial justice in connection with the mystery are clear targets. Companions of Samarion are likely to attempt securing them for questioning. Any and all assets unveiled in their search are likely to be spirited away to Citadel or the lower levels of the Grand Cathedral of the Shroud.

Desmal the Vagabond

Followers of Razud captured this penniless vagrant, one suspected of questioning the place of immortals in the multiverse. He is being detained at the main Shrine of Razud in Upper Pegasus’s Lighthouse, awaiting a hearing and quite probably judgement. He’d been first identified in Lower Pegasus when he questioned the faith of villagers bound to Razud, in his view an immortal of little merit and scant pedigree. He was later found meditating on Upper Pegasus after he’d consumed hallowed water without permission, and taken into custody. He did not appear to have obtained passage aboard a private vessel bound for the Lighthouse. An inquiry is likely as to how he got past skyship patrols and clerical surveillance.

Mystara Alphatia Ar Heraldry
Desmal is a paladin in the service of the Great Mare. His faith to his patron immortal is unwavering, and he believes true immortals are those who attained their heavenly status without the self-serving patronage of others. He is proud of his belief and unwilling to retract his words. He is a man consumed with his self-imposed quest to locate all the hallowed sources on Mystara, convinced that in them lies a hidden message alluding to the meaning of immortality. Slightly mad from his years of wandering the world, he was able to partake of several magical sources and perform communions. During each, an image began forming in his mind compelling him to pursue his effort, all under the auspices of his patron immortal. His paladinhood stems from a fellowship whose few members have all perished during their quest for the Holy Truth.

Appearance: Desmal was once tall and stately, but is now stooped. His skeletal head juts forward from a scrawny neck, allowing dark brown eyes to peer intently from deep sockets. His old liver-brown leather cap, having peculiar projections resembling worn wings jutting from its crown, covers long locks of scraggly, greasy hair. The cap covers Desmal’s wide wrinkled brow and pendulous ears. It is all he has left of his original paladin equipment, lost long ago. He wears an array of mismatched clothing: bits are new, others old, and all of it is tattered and smudged with stains that might be food, mud, or blood. One worn, cracked boot covers one leg, and he wears a thick-soled sandal with a heavy sock full of holes on the other. This odd footwear makes his gait uneven. On Desmal’s right palm is a dark blue tattoo of the Great Mare’s badge, its outline disguised by dirt and often covered by his long curled fingers.

F15, AC8, hp72, MV 120’(40’), AT 1 fist, Dmg 1d4+2, Save F15, ML11, AL L; St17, In12, Wi16, Dx13, Co14, Ch15. Magical Items: none. Special Powers: can detect evil 120’ radius; cast spells, Turn Undead, and interact with pegasi as a 5th level cleric of the Great Mare.

Azramelia, Bettellyn Inquisitor

This little old lady was originally born in Pews, a pious village outside Quanfax, a diocese of Bettellyn, from a modest family of farmers. She spent most of her life in religious seclusion, either studying theology or in contemplation. As she rose through the ranks of Bettellyn’s clergy, she became an expert theologian at the Grand Cathedral of the Shroud, one particularly well versed in the conundrum of Samarion’s birth and his accession to immortality. Having reached the limits of what could be researched there or at nearby Archonia, she took on inquisitorial duties, whose aim is to unveil clues on unsponsored immortality.

Mystara Alphatia Ar Heraldry
When her work took her past Bettellyn’s borders, she adopted the scribe profession as a front, and traveled to the Imperial District of Vertiloch. Making use of magically doctored papers, she passed herself off as a subject of Haven under the pseudonym Amelia. In this respect, the long years spent during her youth honing the artful skill to illuminate clerical manuscripts proved useful. While in Vertiloch, she learned about the spiritual properties of certain pools in Ar’s Pegasus District, and about a dissident movement questioning the place of immortals in the multiverse. She later found employment for some years in Skyreach-upon-Land in the service of the Royal Courthouse. Feigning troubles with chronic asthma, she requested and obtained a transfer to the courthouse at the Lighthouse on Pegasus Prime.

Since then, she has become well informed about the streams and ponds, and heretics cropping up now and then. She also built a covert team of Aran natives specialized in non-lethal abductions and prison escapes. They provided Azramelia with a number of rebellious philosophers. She relies on her inquest and binding abilities as a Prophet of Samarion to control her agents and ensure they cannot betray her. She’s also converted them to her faith, along with their families. The prior at the Shrine of Razud notified the courthouse of pending accusations against Desmal the Vagabond, unwittingly alerting Azramelia.  If ever cornered, she will use her word of recall spell to escape back to Bettellyn.

Lawful orders typically hang on to dissidents to “re-educate them” in proper ways, however long this might take. Chaotic ones do not, and often execute such renegades on fairly short notice. Neutral orders, after a proper hearing, turn them over to face secular justice. Depending on the severity of charges and evidence submitted, penalties include long prison terms or execution, and very rarely acquittal. These trials always take place behind closed doors. The Viceroy of Pegasus systematically suppresses all evidence of misguided philosophers and activists.

Appearance: Azramelia is in her mid-fifties, and still has the steady hands required to be a good scribe and manuscript illuminator. She has a kindly roundish face with blue eyes set amid wrinkles formed from squinting at tomes wherein she researched under indifferent light. Her mouth is wide with narrow lips, which can give her a disapproving appearance, especially when she frowns. And her prisoners find out quickly that frowning is not good. Azramelia wears her long graying hair in many braids twisted together at her nape. Her robe looks like a staid matron’s amber-hued garment with long sleeves and a discreet neckline, but occasionally reflects deeper gray-browns heralding imminent storms.

C12, AC5, hp35, MV 90’(30’), AT 1 spell, Dmg by spell, Save C12, ML9, AL L; St10, In16, Wi17, Dx11, Co12, Ch15. Magical Items: Bottomless Chest, Robe of the Inquisitor, and Ring of Human Control. Special Powers: as a Prophet of Samarion—heal, minor contrition, protection from evil, ardor, cure affliction, exorcism, cure greater affliction, Samarion’s inquest, major contrition, cure minor magical disease, immunity to poison, galvanize, rally, cure greater magical disease, and Samarion’s bond.

Bottomless Chest: This large travel chest contains all of “Mistress Amelia’s” personal effects, at least if casually searched. It radiates magic if such is detected. If contents are fully removed, an elf or a thief might succeed in detecting a false bottom and the concealed method to spring it open. Forcing open the false bottom will ruin the chest and permanently dispel its magic. If properly opened, the bottom reveals unfathomable darkness below. It is a one-way teleporter to a cell under the Cathedral of the Shroud. Azramelia uses the chest to submit renegade philosophers to questioning in Bettellyn.

Robe of the Inquisitor: This garment provides a basic AC of 5 and confers a Companion of Samarion with special abilities. Each day for 1 Turn, it may detect lies and half-truths, although it does not reveal the nature of a lie or misrepresentation (only whether it is one or the other). It may also help determine if someone is guilty of a specific charge. An accusation must be carefully worded (spoken, shouted, or whispered) as the garment does not distinguish or analyze attenuating circumstances such as self-defense and other relevant factors. Only one such attempt can ever affect the same individual. In all cases, the subject must be within 30’ of the inquisitor.

Mystara Alphatia Ar Heraldry
Desmal the Vagabond is presently detained at the Shrine of Razud. Agents of Azramelia are preparing to abduct him. They plan to gain access to the shrine during service, through a secret passage leading to the prior’s personal chambers. If they succeed, they will take Desmal to a safe house, a carpet-cleaning workshop which they use as a front for their covert activities. Posing as carpet cleaners, they will come to Azramelia’s residence when all seems quiet, with the paladin rolled up in a large rug. A party of undercover adventurers are paid by the viceroy to investigate the alarming spate of prisoner escapes. He suspects inside jobs. As a result, the party is ordered not to reveal their identity or mission to anyone, including the Shrine of Razud. Rewards will be awarded for the capture of anyone involved with the breakouts.

Razud D&D Dungeon Map

Short-Hand Key to the Shrine

The shrine is located inside Lighthouse Mountain on Pegasus Prime. Its main entrance is on a main gallery crossing through the temple level. Above it lies a warehouse level connecting with the skyport. The next floor up is reserved for the military and the viceroy’s quarters. Highest stands the actual navigational lighthouse and military observation posts. Beneath the temple section lie private housing for residents and visitors, as well as businesses. A main shaft with a 60ft wide, 500ft tall spiral staircase connects all levels of the mountain. Although steps end at the residential floor, a 20ft wide gap at the center of stairwell continues more than 1500ft through the bottom of the floating island, serving as a main air vent. Unless indicated otherwise, at least one continual light globe floats near the ceiling in each room.
  1. Antechamber: statue of Razud, reception desk.
  2. Main Worship: columns, curtains, altar, brazier, high vaulted ceiling, large censor whooshing back and forth from the ceiling
  3. Cleric’s Quarters: table, chairs, chests, bunk beds
  4. Latrines and Wash Room
  5. Kitchen: iron stove, fireplace/oven, table, chest, well, sink, shelves lined with pottery and glass
  6. Pantry
  7. Prior’s Office: desk, chests, curtain
  8. Prior’s Chamber: (locked and trapped) bed, carpet, chest
  9. Secret Exit: leading outside Lighthouse Mountain
  10. Iron Gargoyle Room: the stairwell is much longer than appears on the map. The room is dark save for a golden glow about a 12’ tall winged statue of Razud opposite the entrancean iron gargoyle that answers only to the prior. Its tail is coiled behind its back. It will attack anyone tampering with a metal grate at the center of the chamber’s floor. The construct was originally lowered in from a warehouse through a large trapdoor in the ceiling, about 60ft above. The access is barred from the inside with two heavy iron rods. The latter require scaffolding and winches to manually remove, or at least two knock spells.
  11. Holding Cell: 40’ deep. Desmal is chained at the bottom.
Iron Gargoyle*: AC –1, HD 16***** (L), MV 30’(10’)/90’(30’), AT 2 fists/1 bite/1 headbutt/1 tail + special, Save F8, ML12, In5, AL N. Special Abilities: detect invisible 60’ radius; immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells; immune to fire and gas attacks; immune to spells 1st through 3rd levels; requires a +2 magical weapon to hit; cold-based attacks inflict double damage. Special Attacks: breathes fire every 3 rounds, (a 30’ long 10’ wide cone) causing 3d10 points of damage—save vs. dragon breath for half damage. Rather than fight while surrounded, the gargoyle can fly and drop on top a victim for 3d10 points of damage (save vs. death ray to dodge). Crushed victims are stunned for 1d3 rounds.

Gnostinian, Prior of Razud: C9, AC2, hp41, MV 120’(40’), AT 1 staff, Dmg 1d6+1, Save C9, ML9, AL N; St13, In14, Wi17, Dx14, Co15, Ch13. Magical Items: +2 chain mail, +1 staff of healing, and ring of holiness. Special Powers: as a cleric of Razud, +1 to initiative rolls and +1 to Wisdom (included in statistics). A number of clerics levels 1-4 also faithfully obey his orders. Although the iron gargoyle in Area 10 is bound to Gnostinians’ ring of holiness, a Wisdom score of 16+ is required to control the beast. If someone with a lesser Wisdom steals the ring and awakes the gargoyle, it will attack anyone on sight and go on a rampage past the trap door in Area 10’s ceiling.

Ligonel the Carpet Cleaner (Azramelia’s Lead Agent): T11, AC4, hp34, MV 120’(40’), AT 1 sword, Dmg 1d8+1, Save T11, ML8, AL L; St12, In13, Wi11, Dx17, Co14, Ch16. Magical Items: +1 sword, +2 leather armor, elven cloak, and ring of teleportation (can be used on self or other—6 charges left). Special Powers: Ligonel will use his magical ring to get past the grate into Area 11, teleport Desmal back to accomplices safely standing at the top of the stairs, and then escape. The remainder of his motley crew includes fighters and thieves levels 3-5, and one keenly observant 5th level elf. All of them are Lawful followers of Samarion.  If left to his own devices, Desmal will make every effort to escape to a pegasus conveniently awaiting outside Lighthouse Mountain.

Note: a battle between Lawful protagonists may involve many apologies, contrite hand-wringing, and promises to atone.

Special thanks to Janet Deaver-Pack for character descriptions and editorial contribution.

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