
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

D&D ADVENTURE! -- Rougeain

The Dog Days of Rougeain

By Bruce Heard

Updated March 27 2012

Although the adventure is written for 1st Edition AD&D, it can easily be set in Mystara. Some allowances will be needed to convert AD&D back to basic D&D. Use common sense. A party of 6th or 7th level adventurers is recommended.

Those of you who are likely to be players in this adventure, stop reading and leave, including the group I game with on Wednesday evenings. You know who you are. If you keep reading anyway, you’re an ugly troll!

The party is hired by a local countess (Dame Geneviève de Séphora, Comtesse de Touraine in Mystara) to find the roots of a problem with lycanthropy in the village of Rougeain (a rather hairy place in the Glantrian Alps near Touraine), and eliminate the growing danger from the valley of Sangval.

(. . .)

Click HERE for the remainder of the adventure.  Your feedback is welcome since this is an untested adventure.


  1. just posted abut it ;)
    Bruce, what is the level sugestion?

  2. Definitely mid-level (5-6). This is very subjective though, because it depends on how experienced the players are. If they make the right decisions, it's an easy adventure. If they go for fights right off, they're in for a rough adventure. Thanks for checking it out. Let me know how this works out if you actually run it.

  3. Thanks so much for posting this Bruce!

  4. You're welcome. Have a look at the adventure and the short stories. Feedback would be greatly welcome.

  5. I just publish, a post about you and your new blog. I'm very happy with yours iniciative, we really need to reborn the old fashion kind of RPG. My blog is, I just publish, too, links to your blog and material published here, and I joined in the Mystara facebook group. Congratulations, Bruce.

    Oh, can we translate, adapt and post your "The Dog Days of Rougeain" to brazilian portuguese?

    Nice to see your blog, good luck!

  6. Thanks for visiting. Have a chat with Rafael Beltrame who is also (I think) translating the adventure. He's at

  7. Hi Bruce!
    Eduardo and me are going to translate the adventure ;) If you want, you can link it here too, whe its ready. oh, i dont know how to download it from Google docs :(

  8. Thanks for the adventure, Bruce. I can see the download option at the bottom of the Google Docs File menu, but it appears to be greyed out for me. :( Any ideas?

    1. I disabled the download option. Have you tried e-mailing the file to yourself though? I think that option still works.

    2. Alas, I get an error indicating that the item I selected is not available. Not sure why. The document is obviously right there. :(

    3. Hmmm... weird. Hang on. I'll release it.

    4. Thanks very much, Bruce! It worked like a charm. :)

  9. Thanks for enabling the download function Bruce, that works much better for me as well!

    I love the adventure - I think the NPCs are well thought out and fun, and should provide a party with ample interactions and plenty of mayhem.

    I do have one comment on the readability of the monster entry for Nosferatu. Typically monsters are referred to in the plural, unless you're dealing with a unique individual (which we are not in this case). However most of the text reads as if Nosferatu is a proper name. "Nosferatu doesn't" rather than "Nosferatu don't", for example. I didn't really notice this in other sections of the adventure, but it really stood out in the monster entry.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I'll have another look at the usage of Nosferatu. I'm expecting comments from a group of players presently running the adventure. I'll try to incorporate everything at the time. Cheers!

  10. Just posted the revision for late March.

  11. Awesome! I can't wait to read it!

  12. A new adventure from a classic D&D author? Beautiful! :) Thanks for this!


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