
Sunday, February 26, 2012

D&D Game Ideas -- Golden Monkey

The Golden Monkey Award
By Bruce Heard

The Golden Monkey Award is an optional set of mechanics promoting and rewarding role-playing in the first edition AD&D game.  Combat and treasure are at present the usual, if not the only, source of Experience.  Nominations to the Golden Monkey Award fill the gap by providing the best players with Experience Points (XPs).

Click here to download the remainder of the document.  Feel free to provide feedback.  I'm always willing to fine tune game material.  Thanks, and cheers!

Or try this link...


  1. very cool! my players are travelling, bt i will post this for my friends

  2. You were able to download the file without any trouble, right?

  3. I'm having some trouble downloading it...

  4. Rats... Sorry about that. I'll have to experiment with it. The link didn't work?

  5. OK, I think I found a way to make this work. Try it again, Havard. I've added a different link at the end of the post.

  6. Thanks Bruce, both links are working now. I really like the idea of the players and not the DM voting for the Award. I'd be a little hesitant to reward players for accents and the like, since where do you draw the line between awesome and annoying, but I guess the voting system would take care of that too :)

  7. Accents and such are totally optional. By that I mean to address characters with personality (whatever it takes--accent, speech pattern, physical gestures, favorite expressions, etc.) It's OK as long as it adds to game. It's like everything else, I expect players to reward the positive and, without so many words, communicate what they didn't so much appreciate... like over-acting!

  8. Very interesting! I suppose you were referring to AD&D 2e? The classification in terms of Warriors, Priests and Wizards didn't happen until 2e (though you also use the term Thief which is 1e in the context of meta-classes...)

  9. Actually no. I may not have used the absolutely correct terminology, but this was written with 1e in mind.


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