
Monday, June 27, 2022

D&D Introduction to Wandcraft, Pt. 4

Return to:
Part 1: Initiative, Deflecting, Disarming, Wands’ Natures
Part 2: Wand Allegiance, Improvement, Attitudes
Part 3: Pliability, Requirements, Preferences, Affinities

Art Credit: Wand Designs by Oneoftwo on Deviantart

Otherworldly Wands

As implied, these are rare items mentioned in the first article, possibly of an outer-planar nature. They require owners with experience levels 9+ (or at least 9 HD). In the hands of less experienced users, otherworldly wands do not function at all. However, in their preferred spellcasters’ hand, these wands receive an additional +1 bonus to their ratings increasing their maximum bonus to +5 and, therefore, their success odds of deflecting, disarming, and dominating a weaker bearer. Special powers these wands confer are only valid when held in the hands of preferred owners.
            Many of them are unyielding (or worse: –3 “adamantine”). They are divided into 6 classes: A. Elemental, B. Incorporeal, C. Metal, D. Mineral, E. Organic, and F. Legendary Wands. The materials making these items have been altered magically to give them a wand-like shape and to make them shatter-proof. They also are immune to decay, corrosion, and insect damage. Their resonance often differs from wands made of wood, bone, or ivory. Only incorporeal beings or preferred spellcasters can physically handle Class B wands.
            Legendary Wands are those unique items related to “named” creators (like Elminster, Etienne d’Amberville, Eriadna, Bargle, Raistlin Majere, Fizban, Fistandantilus, Mordenkainen, Leomund, Bigby, Nolzur, Zagyg, Tasha, Keoghtom, Tenser, Melf, Rary, Merlin, Baba Yaga, etc.). They conform to none of what has been described so far. Either randomly roll for each feature (Material, Pliability, Preference, and Affinity) on the chart below, or just pick what best fits, and add greater powers.

NB. In the following chart Good and Evil refer to the AD&D game system’s alignments, while Lawful and Chaotic only refer to the simpler OSR-style alignments. Use your best judgment in potentially debatable situations. For example: the Chaos wand listed below could arguably be fine with a Chaotic-Neutral owner but not with Chaotic Good or Lawful Evil bearers.

Repertoire of Otherworldly Wands
by Wendigrint & Arymonthius


Class A. Elemental Wands



Pliability: +1 (Dexterity)
Requirement: Cast one illusion spell daily at a target randomly picked with a die roll.
Preference: Evil or Chaotic spellcasters
Affinity: Illusion, gibbering
Details: Made of solidified kinetic energy as black as obsidian, chaos wands exude an aura akin to heat distortion although they are cool to the touch. They appear to vibrate and randomly go in and out of focus. Once per day, chaos wands corrupt Divination magic, yielding false results in the owners’ best interest.



Pliability: 0 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Spellcasters with 15+ Charisma, or dwellers from the elemental plane of earth
Affinity: Invocation, rumbling
Details: Clayhearts originate from the elemental plane of earth. Typical terracotta wand colors are brown, red, orange, buff, medium grey, or white. They bestow a +2 bonus to save vs. poisons and venoms.



Pliability: –1 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: White dragons, ice or snow dwellers
Affinity: Alteration, crackling
Details: Frostbrands are frosty white and exude an icy, crackling fog. When used, they cover all within a 15’ radius with a thin layer of rime. If other than preferred, spellcasters touching these wands without gloves suffer 3d6 damage per round until released. Confers a +2 bonus to save vs. cold-based attacks.



Pliability: –3 (Dexterity)
Requirement: None
Preference: Flying creatures
Affinity: Alteration, crackling; spell affinity extends to electricity-based magic.
Details: Originating from the elemental plane of air, skyfire wands are made from bluish hair fused into a rigid form. When used, they emit an aura of sparkling electricity. They are safe to handle and feel slightly warm to the touch. Their targets suffer a –2 penalty to save vs. electrical attacks.



Pliability: –2 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Red dragons, efreeti, fire-breathing creatures, or desert dwellers
Affinity: Alteration, crackling
Details: Originating from the elemental plane of fire, stonefire wands are glowing red energy exuding an aura of heat distortion. If other than preferred, spellcasters touching these wands without gloves or magical protection suffer 3d6 damage per round until released. Bestows a +2 bonus to save vs. fire-based attacks.



Pliability: 0 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Good or Lawful spellcasters, or aquatic creatures
Affinity: Conjuration, burbling
Details: Originating from the elemental plane of water, waterborn wands are a semi-solid, translucent fluid. If disturbed it ripples or reforms into its wand-like shape. Immersed targets sustain a –2 penalty to their saves.



Pliability: +1 (Dexterity)
Requirement: Doesn’t function underwater.
Preference: Flying beings or any Neutral spellcasters
Affinity: Divination, wuthering
Details: Originating from the elemental plane of air, a windborn wand looks like dust spiraling beyond its slender acacia wood handle fitting in the owner’s hand. If disturbed, its forward half reforms into its spiraling shape. When deflecting a spell or averting a disarm attempt, it unveils the names of the attacking device and its owner.

Class B. Incorporeal Wands



Pliability: –2 (Wisdom)
Requirement: None.
Preference: Monstrous spellcasters or necromancers
Affinity: Necromancy, moaning
Details: Astral wands are made of ectoplasm shaped into a wand’s form; pale white, semi-translucent. Living targets sustain a –2 penalty to their saves.



Pliability: –3 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Dragon-like creatures or illusionists
Affinity: Illusion, warbling.
Details: Shimmering, multicolored light radiate to form a wand-like shape. Observers perceive the wand as any other small object its owner wishes.



Pliability: +1 (Dexterity)
Requirement: Needs natural rain or fog. The length of exposure in hours determines the number of weeks (maximum 4) before resuming exposure.
Preference: Spellcasters with 15+ Dexterity, cloud giants, or storm giants
Affinity: Divination, rumbling
Details: Billowing clouds extend from the wand’s handle. When the owner is at peace, the handle looks like ivory and the clouds are wispy and white, otherwise, the handle looks like ebony, and the clouds dark with faint flashes within. Targets in clouds or fog incur a –2 penalty to their saves.



Pliability: +1 (Wisdom)
Requirement: Doesn’t function while exposed to direct sunlight.
Preference: Evil, Chaotic, or undead spellcasters
Affinity: Necromancy, moaning
Details: The wand appears to be made of inscrutable darkness. Any living creature other than a preferred spellcaster touching it with or without gloves suffers 3d6 damage per round until released.



Pliability: –2 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Female spellcasters (except if afflicted with lycanthropy)
Affinity: Abjuration, wuthering.
Details: Pale, bluish, glowing, and translucent, this wand keeps were-creatures at least 15’ away. The ability is negated when attacking creatures kept at bay. 



Pliability: +1 (Constitution)
Requirement: Requires starlight. The length of exposure in hours determines the number of weeks (maximum 4) before resuming exposure.
Preference:  Any Neutral spellcasters
Affinity: Invocation, whispering
Details: A dark and starry wand, it exudes a faint smoky aura. It enables breathing in an unbreathable environment.



Pliability: +1 (Wisdom)
Requirement: Must be used to cast a spell of darkness once daily at dusk.
Preference: Monstrous or subterranean spellcasters
Affinity: Conjuration, growling
Details: This invisible wand casts a shadow when exposed to a light source. “Picking up” its shadow moves the wand into the spellcaster’s hand. Owners can alter their shadows and displace them up to 100’ away per “plus” modifier.



Pliability: –1 (Wisdom)
Requirement: None
Preference: Monstrous spellcasters or necromancers
Affinity: Necromancy, moaning
Details: As white as alabaster, though incorporeal, soul wands retain a fraction of their slain victims’ souls, remembering 1d10+10 years-worth of their lives per “plus” modifier.



Pliability: –3 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Gold dragons and Good or Lawful spellcasters
Affinity: Enchantment, heavenly clamoring
Details: As bright as a ray of sun, the wand feels warm to the touch. It is natural sunlight and provides a +2 bonus to AC against the undead and shadow creatures; it grows dim in the hands of non-preferred spellcasters.



Pliability: –1 (Wisdom)
Requirement: None
Preference: Thieving or plane-shifting spellcasters
Affinity: Illusion, hooting
Details: From pale gold to amber with pink and purple shades, these wands alter their owners' facial appearances and silhouettes when seen from at least 30 yards in twilight conditions (outdoors only).

Class C. Metallic Wands



Pliability: –3 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Spellcasters with 15+ Dexterity or denizens of the dark such as the drow and shadow elves.
Affinity: Enchantment, chiming
Details: Also known as adamantine or mithril in other universes, this wand appears as if made of bluish chrome. Bestows immunity to magically induced fear, and NPC companions receive a +2 bonus to their Morale Checks.



Pliability: –2 (Dexterity)
Requirement: None
Preference: Brass dragons or demi-human spellcasters
Affinity: Alteration, clattering
Details: Its fiery hues are unmistakable though it feels cool to the touch. Confers a +2 Charisma bonus to deliberately brazen and daring spellcasters for the remainder of the day following the demonstration of swagger and panache.



Pliability: –3 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Bronze dragons or spellcasters with 15+ Strength
Affinity: Invocation, low humming
Details: Gold to brown possibly with a dull green patina, a bronze wand confers its owner a 1-in-6 chance (plus wand rating) of detecting a shapechanging creature within 30’ (30 yards outdoors).



Pliability: –2 (Wisdom)
Requirement: None
Preference: Copper dragons or spellcasters with 15+ Strength
Affinity: Alteration, clattering
Details: Of reddish-orange tones, copper wands are reputed to help heal ailments, thus conferring their owners a +2 bonus to save vs. physical or mental diseases, and mind-controlling magic.



Pliability: –2 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Gold dragons or spellcasting rulers (dominion and military leaders)
Affinity: Divination, metallic heartbeat
Details: When held, gold wands are empowering devices conferring their owners a +2 bonus to all Wisdom-based skill rolls and Wisdom checks. They feel warm to the touch and softly pulsing.



Pliability: –2 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Human spellcasters or with Willpower at least 5 pts higher than the wand’s
Affinity: Alteration, diffuse humming
Details: Iron wands are dull black and cold to the touch. Demonic creatures suffer a –2 penalty to their saving throws vs. spells cast with these wands.



Pliability: +1 (Dexterity)
Requirement: Inert for an hour after double-casting (see Details below).
Preference: Chaotic or shape-shifting spellcasters
Affinity: Illusion, metallic winding
Details: Shiny and mirror-like, mercury wands are made of solidified quicksilver. Once per day, they enable their owners to cast one extra spell during the same round. The wands’ “plusses” indicate the maximum spell level that can be double-cast. The extra spell takes effect at the end of the round.



Pliability: –2 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Spellcasters who are neither male nor female, or both
Affinity: Conjuration, chirping
Details: Dark gray with blue undertones and a dull sheen, pewter wands enable their owners to trade any memorized spell for an un-memorized Conjuration spell of the same or lower level. The wands’ “plusses” indicate the number of times spells can be traded in a day.



Pliability: –2 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Good or Lawful spellcasters, or platinum dragons
Affinity: Enchantment, soft heartbeat
Details: Pale silvery in appearance, platinum wands do not kill anyone who should have died from their magic. At their owners’ discretion, these wands leave targeted foes unconscious for an hour with 1 hit point left, or turn them gaseous until dispelled.



Pliability: –2 (Wisdom)
Requirement: None
Preference: Good or Lawful spellcasters, or silver dragons
Affinity: Invocation, throbbing
Details: Silver wands enable their owners to trade any memorized spell for an un-memorized Invocation spell of the same or lower level. The wands’ “plusses” indicate the number of times spells can be traded in a day.



Pliability: –3 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Combat-skilled spellcasters or with willpower at least 5 pts higher than the wand’s
Affinity: Alteration, metallic rasp
Details: Pale gray, shiny, and with gold to pink damask, steel wands are shaped like stilettos or slender daggers. They can be used as such in combat, aside from spellcasting. These are magical weapons whose ratings are equivalent to those of swords.



Pliability: –1 (Dexterity)
Requirement: None.
Preference: Thieving or gnomish spellcasters
Affinity: Alteration, clattering
Details: Pale gray and dull, a tin wand cannot disarm an opponent, but any successful roll to disarm its owner results in the attackers’ own devices being flung away if their ratings are equal or lower than the tin wand’s (no saves).



Pliability: –2 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Any Neutral spellcasters
Affinity: Illusion, clattering
Details: Silvery-white with a blue tinge and dull patina, zinc wands are also known as luck wands. Whenever affected by any spell cast manually or with a lower-rated wand, roll two saving throws and keep the best score.

Class D. Mineral Wands (also known as “duelist wands”)


Blue Sapphire

Pliability: –3 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Blue dragons, djinni, or human spellcasters
Affinity: Alteration, chirping
Details: Translucent and pale blue to rich royal blue, these wands enable disarming attempts against devices with an affinity for Enchantment magic to be rolled on a d8–4 instead of a d8–2 (see Disarming in Part 1).



Pliability: –3 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Efreeti or spellcasters with 15+ Constitution
Affinity: Necromancy, moaning
Details: Evocative of the fiery tone of sulfur, these wands enable disarming attempts against devices with an affinity for Invocation magic to be rolled on a d8–4 instead of a d8–2.


Cat’s Eye

Pliability: –3 (Dexterity)
Requirement: None
Preference: Monstrous or feline-like spellcasters
Affinity: Conjuration, hissing
Details: This highly polished gem possesses a green or gold chatoyant reflection reminiscent of a cat’s or a tiger’s eyes. These wands enable disarming attempts against devices with an affinity for Abjuration magic to be rolled on a d8–4 instead of a d8–2.



Pliability: –3 (Wisdom)
Requirement: None
Preference: Merchant princes or demi-human spellcasters
Affinity: Enchantment, rattling
Details: Scarlet to brick-red and with a quartz-like texture. Whenever devices with an affinity for Alteration magic fail disarming attempts, their owners must immediately succeed a saving throw or be disarmed.



Pliability: –3 (Dexterity)
Requirement: None
Preference: Ice-dwelling or human spellcasters
Affinity: Alteration, chirping
Details: They are translucent nearly to the point of being invisible. A rainbow-like reflection can be seen inside when exposed to direct sunlight. Crystal wands enable disarming attempts against devices with an affinity for Enchantment magic to be rolled on a d8–4 instead of a d8–2.



Pliability: –3 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Aquatic or female spellcasters
Affinity: Illusion, warbling
Details: Translucent nearly to the point of being invisible, a rainbow-like reflection can be seen on its surfaces when exposed to direct sunlight. These wands enable disarming attempts against devices with an affinity for Divination magic to be rolled on a d8–4 instead of a d8–2.



Pliability: –3 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Forest-dwelling or demi-human spellcasters
Affinity: Alteration, chirping
Details: These wands showcase a rich green or blue-green hue. When performing/parrying a disarming move or when deflecting an attack from a device with an affinity to Enchantment, roll twice and pick the best score.



Pliability: –3 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Combat-skilled spellcasters or those only harmed by +1 or better weapons.
Affinity: Abjuration, clinking
Details: Similar to glass with slight blue-green shades, these wands often feature smooth surfaces rather than carved with sharp geometric patterns. Some are shaped as daggers or stilettos. Whenever devices with an affinity for Conjuration magic fail disarming attempts, their owners must immediately succeed a saving throw or be disarmed.



Pliability: –3 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Black dragons or human spellcasters
Affinity: Necromancy, moaning
Details: These wands feel heavy and are black or gray with blood-red streaks. Contrary to certain beliefs, hematite wands are not magnetic. When performing/parrying a disarming move or when deflecting an attack from a device with an affinity to Invocation, roll twice and pick the best score.



Pliability: –3 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Spellcasters with 15+ Wisdom, dominion and military leaders, or jade dragons
Affinity: Conjuration, growling
Details: Jade ranges from translucent to opaque and can be light to dark green, yellow, brown, black, gray, or white, often mottled or streaked. When performing/parrying a disarming move or when deflecting an attack from a device with an affinity to Abjuration, roll twice and pick the best score.



Pliability: –3 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Green dragons or human spellcasters
Affinity: Invocation, whispering
Details: Malachite features a bright green color with lighter streaks, and a vitreous to adamantine luster. Whenever devices with an affinity for Necromantic magic fail disarming attempts, their owners must immediately succeed a saving throw or be disarmed.



Pliability: –3 (Dexterity)
Requirement: None
Preference: Jungle-dwelling or shape-changing spellcasters
Affinity: Abjuration, clinking
Details: Obsidian has a glassy luster and is slightly harder than glass. Though obsidian is typically jet-black in color, tiny gas bubbles may create a golden sheen. Whenever devices with an affinity for Conjuration magic fail disarming attempts, their owners must immediately succeed a saving throw or be disarmed.



Pliability: –3 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Monstrous spellcasters or denizens of the dark (drow, shadow elves)
Affinity: Alteration, chirping
Details: Most people associate onyx with a jet-black color layered with white bands. Onyx is also found in brown, red, and white variations. These wands enable disarming attempts against devices with an affinity for Enchantment magic to be rolled on a d8–4 instead of a d8–2.



Pliability: –3 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Spellcasting constructs and demi-human spellcasters
Affinity: Enchantment, clinking
Details: These wands are vitrified pottery with a white, fine-grained body that is usually translucent.  Whenever devices with an affinity for Alteration magic fail disarming attempts, their owners must immediately succeed a saving throw or be disarmed.



Pliability: –3 (Strength)
Requirement: None
Preference: Human spellcasters or beings with innate magical charm abilities
Affinity: Alteration, chirping
Details: Wand-grade ruby is pure, vibrant red to a slightly purplish-red. When performing/parrying a disarming move or when deflecting an attack from a device with an affinity to Enchantment, roll twice and pick the best score.



Pliability: –3 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Desert dwellers and female spellcasters
Affinity: Illusion, warbling
Details: Semitranslucent to opaque, turquoise usually ranges from light to medium blue or greenish-blue, often mottled or with dark splotches. When performing/parrying a disarming move or when deflecting an attack from a device with an affinity to Divination, roll twice and pick the best score.


Yellow Sapphire

Pliability: –3 (Wisdom)
Requirement: None
Preference: Beings who are permanently blind or spellcasters with 15+ Wisdom
Affinity: Invocation, whispering
Details: The preferred color is a medium, vibrant, canary yellow with naturally high brilliance. Whenever devices with an affinity for Necromantic magic fail disarming attempts, their owners must immediately succeed a saving throw or be disarmed.

Class D. Organic Wands



Pliability: –1 (Wisdom)
Requirement: None
Preference: Spellcasters with 15+ Charisma
Affinity: Divination, wuthering
Details: Semitranslucent amber wands range from golden to orange or reddish-brown. White amber exists as well, which is opaque and marbled with gold amber. When deflecting a spell or foiling a disarm attempt, the wand heals its owner 1d4 hit points + the wand's rating.



Pliability: +1 (Wisdom)
Requirement: Must keep a giant spider as a pet or as a familiar.
Preference: Female or drow spellcasters
Affinity: Abjuration, hissing
Details: Essentially solid spider silk, arachnite features a glistening, semitranslucent white appearance with slight blue shades. When owners deflect a spell, their attacker moves at half speed for the rest of the encounter.



Pliability: 0 (Constitution)
Requirement: None
Preference: Ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, or witches
Affinity: Illusion, muted crunching
Details: Luscious and dark, with or without enchanted nuts, it is a chocolate-lover’s delight that regrows as fast as bits are bitten off; melts only in one’s mouth and not in one’s hands. Each sweet morsel exudes a magic Charm effect (no saves during All Hallows’ Eve).



Pliability: –2 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Demi-human or aquatic spellcasters
Affinity: Conjuration, bubbling
Details: The most common range from pale and opaque pink or salmon, to deep dark red. Black and gold corals are infrequent, and blue the rarest. When owners deflect a spell, they earn a cumulative +1 AC bonus until the end of the encounter.



Pliability: –2 (Charisma)
Requirement: None
Preference: Female or aquatic spellcasters
Affinity: Enchantment, burbling
Details: Iridescent and opaque, pearl wands are white, cream, black, gray, or silvery with pink, green, purple, or blue overtones. When owners deflect a spell, it is turned against their attacker (saving throw negates).



Pliability: 0 (Dexterity)
Requirement: None
Preference: Demi-human or forest-dwelling spellcasters
Affinity: Alteration, rustling
Details: These wands are made of solidified resin ranging from opaque yellow to brown. When owners deflect a spell, their attacker incurs a cumulative –2 penalty to Initiative for the rest of the encounter.

Technically, bone, ivory, and wood wands are organic devices, all of which were listed earlier.

Legal Disclaimer: The material presented in this article, in the previous ones, and in the next, uses game material whose copyright is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The author retains the copyright on the ideas, creative adaptations, and writing, which are provided here free of charge to the gaming community. This material may therefore not be duplicated to be resold for profit in any manner whatsoever without both parties’ permissions and appropriate accreditations.

Click Here for: The Wand Maker Character Class

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