
Monday, May 11, 2020

Demigods for D&D BECMI

Since demons and epic heroes have had recent entries in this blog, I should just as well revisit demigods and generate their game stats for the D&D BECMI game. These supernatural beings were originally introduced to the World of Calidar through CC1 “Beyond the Skies.” They are the stepping stones between epic heroes/legendary villains and godhood (in Mystaran terms, immortals).

Demigod Queen Maricruz by Shin Tae Sub ©2010 Applibot, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Calidaran deities are somewhat similar to Mystara’s immortals. Demigods belong in three categories: Initiates, Temporals, and Paragons (not to be confused with the paragons' path used in the D&D Immortals set). Initiates are very much like neophyte immortals, heavenly probies, apprentice godlings who have yet to prove themselves to their sponsoring deities with an unaccompanied foray into the wilds of outer planar Ambrosia. Temporals have already demonstrated their worthiness as divine spirits (i.e. they survived their mandatory forays), earning them the right to freely tread their pantheon’s divine domain and speak up in a congregation of ascended gods. Paragons are senior demigods with more than five centuries of experience.
            The big difference between epic heroes and demigods, aside from their game stats, is that the latter derive part of their magical abilities from worshipers. “Spanking-new” demigods rising from “epicdom” earn their cult faithful from throngs of earlier supporters. Demigods born from the union of two gods inherit instead a segment of the two parents’ worshipers (these heavenly brats still must prove themselves). Consider the following analogy: demigods risen from epicdom are akin to rank and file earning their stripes on a battlefield, as opposed to the god-born commissioned thanks to their family pedigrees. Risen and god-born often don’t get along well. The balance of the divine powers of all demigods and ascended deities flows from the World Soul.
            Temporals and Paragons are able to fight ascended gods and even slay them. CC1 provides additional information on secondary abilities. The following table shows game stats for the D&D BECMI game. It’s been slightly updated for clarity and precision.

Demigods of Calidar (see CAL1 p. 218)
Hit Dice
Size (feet)
Movement:         walking
150’ (50’)
210’ (70’)
270’ (90’)
180’ (60’)
240’ (80’)
300’ (100’)
210’ (70’)
270’ (90’)
330’ (110’)
Teleport (times/day)
At the discretion of their sponsoring deities. Incl. planar travel.
Armor Class (AC)
# of Physical Attacks
Fists x2 or 1 weapon
Fists x2 or weapon x2
Fists x3 or weapon x3
Physical Damage
Fists: 2d10+6 each,
or by weapon +6
Fists: 3d10+8 each,
or by weapon +8
Fists: 3d12+10 each,
or by weapon +10
Special Abilities
Spells and all special abilities available to clerics Level 36, plus two permanent Divine Favors from the demigod’s sponsoring deity (see CC1, Table 10). Demigods require neither air, nor food, nor water, nor sleep to live. They are never surprised, possess empathic abilities, and can commune with their followers and liege deities. They strike first at the beginning of a battle vs. non-divine foes.
Exorcise/Turn Undead
As clerics Level 36
Call Other
Three times a day, demigods have a 90% chance of summoning any single being of their faith, such as a pious follower, a zealot, a cleric, an epic hero/villain, a divine servant, a demon, or other monstrous being with half as many HD.
Regeneration (per hour)
Non-Divine Damage
Divine Damage



Saving Throws
As clerics Level 36
Basic Immunities
See Godly Impunity in CC1. All mind-affecting attacks (such as magical fear, sleep, charms, possession), non-magical weapons, diseases, acid, poison (unless of divine nature), paralysis (and all similar powers), energy drain (and most magic of necromantic nature), and all netherworld effects. Sustain half-damage from breath weapons (quarter damage with a defense check).
Magic Resistance
Non-Divine Magic
Divine Magic



Min. Int. & Wis.
As the original mortal creatures or as devised by divine parents
Morale (ML)

 The Ultimate Fate of Demigods

Temporals and Paragons felled while on a quest from sponsoring deities are usually revived and enabled to ascend as minor gods, with the seal of approval from the head of the pantheon (if there is one). In all other cases, they are more likely to return to sentient existence as Divine Servants best matching their former abilities, most likely as Empyreals (for Initiates) as Eternals (for Temporals) and perhaps even as Hierarch (for Paragons)—see CC1 p. 211 about all these terms. Not all is lost, however. All Divine Servants other than demons, regardless of their former natures, may climb the divine domain’s hierarchy much like mortal adventurers in the prime universe, and attain demigodhood. Beyond this, ascended gods compete to grow the ranks of their mortal followers and forge alliances. Their objective often is to rise from minor deities to greater gods, and from there eventually to unseat the ruler of their pantheon.

Coming Next: Converting Calidar gods to Mystaran immortals.

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