
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

D&D Class: Calidar Druids Pt. II

Druids' Temple © 2018 - 2020 Ellysiumn; Deviantart.
Continued from Part I. Click here to return to Part I.

4th Circle

Druidic Spirit: Druids enjoy special benefits in their native settings and others upgraded to the same level, as follows:
  • Midlands:  Temperate—Protects from charm powers of woodland beings and fairy folk, and provides a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. mind-affecting attacks. Tropical—Keeps away pests and unhealthy miasma, and provides a +2 bonus to saving throws against poison attacks and curse-type diseases.
  • Frostlands: Protects from natural cold and provides a +2 bonus to saving throws against cold-based attacks.
  • Wastelands: Protects from solar heat and provides a +2 bonus to saving throws against fire-based attacks.
  • The Deep: Once per day, a druid can summon a water elemental with HD not more than the druid’s. Control lasts until dismissed, dispelled, or the end of a combat encounter—whichever comes first.
  • Diredark: Once per day, a druid can summon an earth elemental with HD not more than the druid’s. Control lasts until dismissed, dispelled, or the end of a combat encounter—whichever comes first.
  • The Stars: Protects from harmful radiations and provides a +2 bonus to saving throws against electric, magnetic, and telekinetic attacks. 

5th Circle

Restore Balance: Druids can restore to their former condition large areas that suffered physical damage or some magical effect disturbing the balance of nature. This power can only be used once per full moon. The lunar cycle relates to the druid’s race (Alorea for elves and Alorean gnomes, Kragdûr for dwarves and Kragdûras gnomes, Munaan for everyone else). Restoration only affects the druids’ native and acquired settings 5th Circle or better. The area of effect extends 500 yards radius (1,000 at 6th Circle, 3,000 at 7th Circle, and 12,000 at the Ultimate Circle). Druids must concentrate without interruption, during the entire restoration process, lasting 10 minutes per 100 yard radius (thus 50 minutes to 20 hours at most for a single druid). If the process is interrupted, the area of effect is only partially restored and the ritual cannot be attempted again until the next full moon. Multiple druids can work together, extending range and casting time accordingly.
            Physical Damage: Flora and wildlife are restored (but not monsters or sapient creatures). Destroyed structures (abodes, bridges, roads, monuments, etc.) are overtaken by natural elements (as appropriate: forest, swamp, sand dunes, snowbound wilderness, rocky formations, etc.) Undamaged structures otherwise blend in.
            Harmful Magic: Harmful magic within the area of effect is permanently removed provided their instigator’s HD are lower than the druid’s. If more than one, the druids’ HD are cumulated for this purpose. If the instigator HD are greater than the druids’, a random roll is required, as follows: 50% minus 10% for approx. every experience level difference between the instigator and the druids (round up). Divine enchantments lie beyond druidical power.
            Alternate Effects: At the referee’s discretion, restoration may result in other effects. A druid of the Wastelands may cause an oasis to emerge from a desert, including a body of water and surrounding vegetation. A druid of the Stars can attract lose material adrift in the Great Vault and cause it to form a roughly spherical asteroid one-tenth the dimensions stated earlier. The asteroid can be enlarged each time the druid earns another Circle in the Stars. With a radius greater than 1,500 yards, a tiny bit of World Soul from the closest world pools at the center, generating a shallow atmosphere along with a modicum of flora and fauna adapted to life on the asteroid or in its soil (see Guardians of the Great Vault, CC1 pg. 204). Multiple druids can work together to build a small world.

6th Circle

Elemental Affinity: Once per day, druids can turn into spirit beings appropriate to their native or acquired settings 6th Circle or better (see list below). The transformation is permanent until dismissed or dispelled. If a druid is unencumbered, carried equipment blends in with the new form. Druids are like the creature they transform into in every respect but in mind. They are also able to cast spells and use both druidical abilities and those of the creature emulated.

Midlands: Elder Treant (Temperate only)—AC 2 (natural armor), HD 11+, MV 60’ (20’), AT 2 branches, D 2d6/2d6, Save as monster HD 11+; Size L (18’ tall or more)—Int, Wis, and AL as druid’s.
Abilities: Surprises visitors with a roll of 1-3 on a d6; once per encounter, animates 2 trees within 60’ to fight as treants, MV 30’ (10’); suffers minimal damage from blunt weapons.
Shambler (Tropical Only)—AC 0 (natural armor), HD 11+, MV 60’ (20’), AT 2 punches, D 2d8/2d8, Save as monster HD 11+; Size L (7’ tall or more)—Int, Wis, and AL as druid’s.
Abilities: Immune to fire-based attacks; electrical attacks temporarily add +3% Life Force; negates cold damage with a saving throw (½ damage if it fails); sustain ½ damage from weapons; incurs a –4 penalty to saves vs. magic affecting plants.

Frostlands: Greater Yeti—AC 6 (unarmored), HD 11+, MV 150’ (50’), AT 2 claws or 1 boulder, D 2d4/2d4 or 2d8, Save as monster HD 11+; Size L (7’ tall or more)—Int, Wis, and AL as druid’s.
Abilities: Surprises visitors with a roll of 1-3 on a d6; invisible in the snow at more than 90’; howl causes anyone within 3 miles to roll a Morale Check (a saving throw for PCs) or flee; if both fists hit, the yeti inflicts and extra 4d6 bear hug damage.
Air Elemental (Elëan elves only)—AC 0 (unarmored), HD 11+, MV 360’ (120’) flying (outdoors or in large spaces only), AT 1 air blast or special, D 2d8, Save as monster HD 11+; Size L (22’ tall or more)—Int, Wis, and AL as druid’s.
Abilities: Victims with 2 HD or less must save or be swept away if caught in the elemental’s path; air blasts inflict an extra 1d8 damage to flying creatures.

Wastelands: Fire Elemental—AC 0 (unarmored), HD 11+, MV 120’ (40’), AT 1 flame, D 2d8, Save as monster HD 11+; Size L (6’ tall or more)—Int, Wis, and AL as druid’s.
Abilities: Flames inflict an extra 1d8 damage to cold-based creatures; cannot cross a body of water wider than it is tall.

The Deep: Water Elemental—AC 0 (unarmored), HD 11+, MV 60’ (20’), AT 1 water blast, D 2d8, Save as monster HD 11+; Size L (11’ tall or more)—Int, Wis, and AL as druid’s.
Abilities: Water blasts inflict an extra 1d8M damage to opponents in water; cannot move more than 60’ from a large body of water.

Diredark: Earth Elemental—AC 0 (natural armor), HD 11+, MV 60’ (20’), AT 1 punch, D 2d8, Save as monster LF 11+; Size L (11’ tall or more)—Int, Wis, and AL as druid’s.
Abilities: Punches inflict an extra 1d8 damage to opponents standing on the ground; cannot cross a body of water wider than it is tall.

The Stars: Ethereal Shadow—AC 3 (unarmored), HD 11+, MV 120’ (40’)/240 (80’) flying, AT 1 punch, D 4d4, Save as monster HD 11+; Size L (11’ tall or more)—Int, Wis, and AL as druid’s.
Abilities: Invisible and ghostlike until it performs an attack (requires 3 rounds after making an attack or incurring a successful one to regain its ethereal nature); requires a magic weapon to hit while in ethereal form; telekinesis 60 Lbs per Circle in the native setting, up to 120’ away three times a day.

Appease Spirit: Once per day, druids can appease a Spirit Lord (see CC1, page 202). This power is especially useful in the Dread Lands should a druid need to confront an angered elemental spirit. Subtract the roused spirit’s appearance number from the druid’s Circle (use the Circle ranking for the appropriate setting). Add +3 to the result to find base chances of success; roll a d12.
            For example: A 6th Circle Midlands druid in a forest confronts a spirit lord on its 3rd rousing. Base chances of success would be 6–3+3 = 6 (a roll of 1-6 on a d12 succeeds). If the roll does succeed, the spirit blends with its surroundings until roused again, provoking its 4th appearance, and so on.
            A druid may appease a spirit related to an acquired setting below 6th Circle, incurring a –2 penalty to base chances of success. A druid may not appease a spirit related to a foreign setting or one with base chances of zero or worse. Druids who are natives of the Dread Lands enjoy a permanent +2 bonus to their base chances. When failing an appeasement attempt, a druid may not try again later against the same spirit.
            An unmodified roll of 12 is considered a critical failure only if modified chances of success were 11 or less. Such a result causes the spirit lord to immediately grow to its next appearance ranking. In the example above, the spirit earns the game statistics for a 4th appearance spirit. A score of 1 is considered a critical success only if modified chances of success are 1 or better. Such a score causes Dread Lands within 100 yards radius per related Circle to go dormant for 1d4+4 hours.

7th Circle

Transcarnation: Death in Calidar is almost always irreversible. No mortal magic in this universe can alter the workings of the World Soul or the will of the gods. There is no such thing as bringing the dead back to life, short of fetching a fallen companion’s spirit from the netherworld before the World Soul claims it, or it is summoned to serve its liege deity, or some nefarious denizen of darkness feasts upon its energy—whichever happens first. Once the unliving is recovered, a necromancer might still be needed to revive the erstwhile flesh of the deceased and bind it to its returning spirit. It is no small feat, not to mention possible retribution from a divinity deprived of its worthy and rightful servant (see The Netherworld, CC1 pg. 202).
            Druids do not casually endeavor to bring the rightful dead back to life, let alone dabble in the dark arts of the undead. Rather, they can bind a severed spirit to a living being, so that both inhabit the same vehicle, one still enjoying a natural life. The result is called a Kala, a creature neither quite an animal nor a sapient person or even less a therianthrope, but rather a being whose time among the living has been extended. The druid’s native setting determines the Kala’s alternate form, a beast the druid summons during the ritual. Initially, a Kala does not remember its past. Until it does, it remains a familiar of the druid who will act as its caretaker.
            Transcarnation must be performed during the full moon following death (see restore balance, 5th Circle, for which of Calidar’s moon to choose). It lasts until dawn. Summoning a spirit isn’t always successful, as events in the netherworld might have already sealed its fate. Odds of success are 50% plus the druid’s experience level, minus the original experience level of the deceased, minus 2% per day elapsed since death. A roll of 95-00 always fails and results in divine retribution against the offending druid; a score of 01-05 always succeeds regardless of adjustments. A druid can only ever perform this ritual once on the same spirit.

Creating a Kala: If the ritual succeeds, roll an Int Check for the host on every subsequent full moon. If the check fails, try again on the next full moon. If it succeeds the Kala regains its memories and the ability to switch at will between its animal form and one that is more anthropomorphic, resembling the beast as much as the deceased.
            Average the HD, hit points, and Ability scores of the host and the original character (round up). Use the resulting character’s To Hit rolls and saving throws when better than its host’s. Everything else remains as established with the previous character, including character class and Alignment. Previous abilities that had been learned beyond this point are lost, but the Kala can resume earning experience as it did prior to the ritual (the host never changes, however). The Kala dies with no possibility of another transcarnation if either form is felled. Hosts are unusual specimens of their breeds. Their natural abilities do not carry over to the anthropomorphic forms.

Midlands: Grizzly Bear Host (Temperate only)—AC 8 (unarmored), HD 5, MV 120’ (40’), AT 2 claws/1 bite, D 1d8/1d8/1d10, Save as monster LF 4; Size L (Kala stands 7’ tall), ML 11, ALas druid’s—Ability scores to be averaged: Str 17, Dex 9, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 8.
Abilities: If both paws hit, add 2d8 bear hug damage. Loves fresh salmon.
Black Panther or Jaguar Host (Tropical only)—AC 5 (unarmored), HD 5, MV 150’ (50’), AT 2 claws/1 bite, D 1d4/1d4/1d10, Save as monster HD 3; Size M (Kala stands 6’ tall), ML 9, AL as druid’s—Ability scores to be averaged: Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 9.
Abilities: If both front paws hit, add 2d4 rear paws damage. Kala looks like a muscular Felisean.

Frostlands: Polar Bear Host—AC 6 (unarmored), HD 6, MV 120’ (40’)/90’ (30’) swimming, AT 2 claws/1 bite, D 1d6/1d6/1d10, Save as monster HD 3; Size L (Kala stands 8’ tall), ML 9, AL as druid’s—Ability scores to be averaged: Str 17, Dex 9, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 8.
Abilities: If both paws hit, add 2d8 bear hug damage.

Wastelands: Giant Horned Lizard Host—AC 2 (natural armor), HD 5, MV 120’ (40’), AT 1 bite, D 1d10, Save as monster LF 3; Size M (Kala stands 6’ tall), ML 8, AL as druid’s—Ability scores to be averaged: Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 7.
Abilities: Hard to spot in a desert (requires a Perception Check with a –3 penalty). Kala looks somewhat like a lizardman with jagged scales running from its forehead and shoulders down its back.

The Deep: Sea Lion Host—AC 5 head or AC 3 body (unarmored), HD 6, MV 120’ (40’)/180 (60’) swimming, AT 2 claws/1 bite, D 1d4/1d4/2d4, Save as monster HD 4; Size L (Kala stands 7’ tall), ML 9AL as druid’s—Ability scores to be averaged: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 9.
Abilities: Can breathe underwater. Kala looks like a powerful Felisean with a celadon-hued mane and hints of bluish scales rather than a feline’s pelage.

Diredark: Giant Badger Host—AC 4 (unarmored), HD 5, MV 90’ (30’), AT 2 claws/1 bite, D 1d4/1d4/2d4, Save as monster HD 3; Size M (Kala stands 5’ tall), ML 11, AL as druid’s—Ability scores to be averaged: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 7.
Abilities: Can dig tunnels about 3’x3’ through packed dirt at MV 20’/10mn or through hard rock at MV 10’/10mn.

The Stars: Spectral Hound—AC -2 (unarmored), HD 5, MV 150’ (50’) walking or flying, AT 1 bite, D 2d4 + special, Save as monster LF 5; Size M (Kala stands 6’ tall), ML 100, AL as druid’s—Ability scores to be averaged: Str 11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 8.
Abilities: Bitten victims must save or become ethereal within 24 hours (their equipment isn’t affected); teleport or dimension door spells will return them to their normal forms. The spectral hound can only be hit with magical or silver weapons. Can track as a normal hunting dog. The Kala appears as a silver-coated Canisean in normal, physical form, without the hound’s abilities.

Optional Rule: Depending on the style of the game, Kala do not switch forms at will. This may be more appropriate for NPCs. Female Kala take on their animal avatars at sundown and revert to their human-like forms at sunrise. Males do so at opposite times.

Ultimate Circle

Nature’s Ineffable Wrath: Once per full moon (see restore balance, 5th Circle, earlier), a powerful druid can command forces of nature to inflict a toll upon foes bent on harming the universal balance. What they conjure is limited to native settings (and acquired settings 6th Circle or better). The colossal powers being unleashed are such that the druid suffers a temporary Constitution loss. This drop, listed in the individual powers’ descriptions, is regained when the druid reaches the next experience level.
            Abuse of nature’s wrath, such as conjuring it for frivolous aims, personal gain, or revenge, will result in this ability being lost. It can only be regained after the druid undergoes a quest to atone for such ill-inspired deeds. Peers would see the offending druid as a pariah until proper amends are made. With time, news of such monstrous feats and who invoked them, however rightfully or not, have the unfortunate habit of getting around, eliciting vows of revenge by certain high-placed victims.

Midlands: The Wild Hunt—Spirits of ancient beasts materialize around the druid (cave bears, dire wolves, giant elks, aurochs, lions, tigers, elephants, giant eagles, as appropriate to the setting). The druid may ride one and compel the others to begin the hunt. Any foe witnessing a wild hunt must save or fall into a catatonic state. Foes still standing or anything of an extraneous nature within sight of the druid automatically sustains 3d12 damage per combat action. If a spirit is stricken, another takes its place. Damage is continual until the druid is unconscious or dismisses the hunt. Druid and chosen mount act separately from the horde. Parts of the horde will pursue anyone fleeing, inflicting 3d10 on the first combat round, 3d8 on the next, then 3d6, and a final 3d4 after which pursuers disperse (the remainder of the horde vanishes when all foes have been dispatched or pursued). By sunset or sunrise, whichever occurs soonest, anyone in a catatonic state dies. Magical healing provided before then revives a catatonic victim.  Constitution Loss: –3.

Frostlands: Blizzard of Doom—A severe storm blankets a region 25 miles radius (40 Km) around the druid. Temperatures drop within the hour to 10˚f/–12˚c (in the summer) or as low as –30˚f/–35˚c (in the winter). Snow accumulation reaches 6” (15cm) per hour for the next 12 hours or until dismissed by the druid, with whiteout conditions and winds gusting up to 50 Mph/80 Kmh. The druid is immune and can see through the storm normally. Watery surfaces freeze within an hour. Halfway through the storm, 6d6+4 ice wolves rise from the snow and attack the druid’s foes and unwanted structures. The wolves disperse if the druid is unconscious or dismisses them, or until the storm ends—whichever comes first. Constitution Loss: –3

Ice Wolves: AC 4 (unarmored), HD 5+1, MV 150’ (50’), AT 1 bite or 1 breath, D bite 1d10 or breath 5d4 cold damage, Save as monster LF 6; Size L (pony sized)—ML 10, Int 2, AL as druid’s.
        Abilities: The ice wolf is immune to natural cold and only incurs ½ damage from cold-based attacks, but suffers +1 per die of fire damage. Once per encounter, it is 30% likely to perform a breath attack against a foe immediately in front of it (save for half damage). For added drama, the howls of approaching ice wolves send a bone-chilling terror down the spines of foes Level 2 or lower who must save or flee until the howls can no longer be heard.

Wastelands: Howling Sands—A massive sandstorm centered on the druid towers a mile skyward. It stretches 100 miles across (160 Km) and 20 miles thick (32 Km). Safely standing atop the billowing wall, the druid controls its path, moving in a straight line at 20 Mph/32 Kmh (300’ per combat round). Visibility within is less than a foot. Parts of the storm reaching mountains or sea shores are dismissed, along with sections cut off from the center. The effect as a whole ends when the druid dismisses it, is knocked unconscious, or if the center of the storm reaches mountains or a sea shore—whichever happens first.
        Anyone Level 2 or less caught in its path (on the ground) must roll a saving throw or be swept up and randomly scattered along the way. The sandstorm can form a gigantic likeness of the druid’s face at any point along its front. Its fear-inducing roar paralyses anyone failing a saving throw within a cone-shaped area a mile long and wide (1,600 m). Flying creatures and airborne ships (and their crews) caught in the enormous mouth suffer 5d20 damage from the wind and roiling sands, and are flung to the ground for another 2d10 damage. Constitution Loss: –4.

The Deep: Druids of this Circle have one of three options at the time this power is invoked—the Forever Maelstrom, the Rolling Thunder, or the Lord of the Abyss.

Forever Maelstrom—A ten-mile-wide whirlpool forms and remains in place until the druid dismisses it or is slain. Seagoing vessels sailing within a mile (1,600 m) of its perimeter are drawn toward its center. The current exerts a pull on any vessel caught in the area of effect. It is equivalent to an MV 90’ (30’) circling the mouth Plus 90’ (30’) toward the center of the maelstrom. Seagoing vessels or creatures with MVs less than 90’ (30’) are eventually drawn into the maelstrom and dragged to the bottom of the sea.
        For Example: With an MV of 120’ (40’) a ship would be able to slowly pull away from the mouth at 30’ (10’), but until it sails more than a mile from the maelstrom, it drifts around it at 90’ (30’). It could slingshot around the maelstrom, sailing with the current around its perimeter at 210’ (70’) but still drifting toward the center at 90’ (30’); for a moment, it could trade its high speed to veer away for 1d4 x 10 minutes at MV 150’ (50’), after which the vessel’s normal MV applies again. Constitution Loss: –2.

Rolling Thunder—A tidal wave 30’ tall (10 m) and a mile wide roars forth in a straight line at MV 300’ (100’) for the next 10 miles (16 Km) or until it hits a coast. Surface ships, individuals, and coastal structures up to 300 yards (300 m) inland (on flat terrain) incur 5d20 damage if caught in the deadly tsunami. If the affected area forms a narrow inlet, the surge can reach up to 90’ high and 900 yards inland. Surviving PCs still on shore must save or be dragged away while sludge and debris ebb back into the roiling sea for an extra 2d10 damage. Constitution Loss: –3.

Lord of the Abyss—Bellowing the infamous “Release the Kraken!” call, the druid summons a monster from the abyss to wreak nature’s wrath upon those who defied it. If left to its own devices, the beast destroys all unwanted coastal structures and seagoing vessels within a 3 mile radius and returns to the deep when done. Constitution Loss: –2.

Kraken: AC 0 (unarmored), HD 72 (plus tentacles), MV 240’ (80’) swimming, AT 1-10 tentacles/1 bite, D tentacles 7d6 each (½ damage to structures)/bite 8d10, Save as monster HD 36; Size Huge (Body 150’ long; tentacles 750’ long)—ML 10, Int 5, AL as druid’s.
        Abilities: Individuals or ships hit by a tentacle are considered entangled (–4 to hit). Each tentacles holding a ship automatically inflicts 7d6 constriction damage per combat round until the vessel is crushed, after which the kraken attacks individuals. Entangled individuals are drawn to the kraken’s mouth in 2d4 combat rounds. Each tentacle requires 60 points of damage to sever. If the kraken loses 5 or more tentacles, it releases a 1,000ft3 cloud of ink and flees.

Diredark: Hammer of Diredark—An earthquake extending 5 miles (8 Km) around the druid ripples through the ground. All structures in the affected area suffer 5d20 damage. Individuals inside the affected structures, on mountain slopes, or below ground suffer the same damage from falling debris. The seism may, at the druid’s discretion, obstruct a mountain pass, divert the flow of a river, collapse a 300’ section of tunnel (100 m), or tear open a 10 mile-wide, 60 foot-deep ravine (16 Km long, 20 m deep) through the ground. If caught inside a collapsing tunnel or a cavern, individuals suffer an additional 2d10 damage and must dig themselves out through the rubble within the next 6d6 hours or run out of air. The druid and companions within 15’ are safe from the quake and falling debris. Constitution Loss: –3.

The Stars: Soltan’s Breath—A 60-mile-large sun flare (100 Km) hurtles across space, hitting an area centered on the druid and directly exposed to Soltan’s rays. The flare takes 8 minutes to reach Calidar, 30 minutes to the Fringe. Until the sun sets, all active spell effects and subsequent attempts to cast spells within the area require a saving throw with a –3 penalty. Rolls are made according to who initiates/initiated the affected magic. Druids of the Stars are immune to this effect. Areas well below ground or sea surface, natural and class abilities other than spells, permanent enchantments (including potions and items with charges), as well as divine magic are entirely immune. Constitution Loss: –1.

This character class is a 1st draft design. Feedback is always welcome to help improve this work. Thanks for your comments.

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