
Thursday, November 22, 2018

I Have a Beef with Marcus

Just 'cuz I have a beef with Marcus Cinema, I'm posting this here too.

"I had the opportunity to watch a movie with a friend a few days ago, at Marcus Cinema in Waukesha, WI. We got there and were told the showing had been cancelled 5mn earlier to make room for a private viewing of some other movie for the benefit of the local press. I wasn't amused. So, we had to settle for another showing, not in the large Ultra Screen auditorium but in a much smaller one, an hour later. 

"First off, I was really disappointed about my friend not being able to experience the large auditorium with big leather reclining seats. He was traveling from Europe and hadn't tried something like this as of yet. Gee thanks.

"Second, we ended up in a smaller venue, whose seats were supposed to be the comfortable, reclining sort. Unlike those in the Ultra Screen room, I found them awfully uncomfortable. Maybe it's just me, but the seating results in a cupped position, which is okay for about 20mn, after which I need to sit up and straighten my back. The trouble is that in the upright position, the top of the seat pushes back against the back of the head to the point of giving a headache. So I spent the duration of the movie, leaning to the side, resting on an elbow, trying to find a comfortable seating posture. Terrible. Won't go there again. 

"Finally, the usual modern-day movie theater issues got in the way. I paid a premium to watch a movie, for which I had to endure about 20mn of incessant TV ads beforehand. Unlike my TV at home, there's no mute button to muzzle the LOUD, inane, and invasive promotions. Add the nearby spectator digging into a cellophane bag for candies, happily and brainlessly crinkling in the dark during much of the movie (etc.)

"I've come to the realization that I'm much happier watching movies at home. It's cheaper and more convenient. Cancelling a showing at the last minute just broke the camel's back as far as I'm concerned."

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