
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Nearly One Year

Already January...

I ran across L. G. Keltner's blog celebrating her 1 year anniversary this morning.  This sounds very familiar, as mine is coming around fast to its own birthday.  There certainly was a lot of attraction and uncertainty in the back of my mind about writing my own blog, having never done any such thing before.  I had no idea how to manage this, and to make matters worse, I had been out of the loop of the very topic about which I planned to write--for at least 10 years.  Looks like many of you are now enjoying the journey, as I am.  I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for joining me here, and wish good luck to L. G. Keltner for her own endeavor.

Her Blogfest is here.


  1. Even if you leave something, you can always come back. I left fiction writing for four years, but now I've returned to it. I feel like I'm starting all over, but that's okay. At least I'm back. Happy 2013!

  2. Bruce Heard!

    Wow. Speaking of beginnings, I am quite certain if I searched deep into the recesses of my sub consciousness I bet I could find something of mine that has a little bit of your fingerprints on it.

    Hell, your blog background is plenty. That black clad, red head witch/wizard/wokani to our right? I had a copy of that picture on a character sheet of a witch character of mine. That character, and ones like her, got me into writing and my first freelancer gigs and eventually to where I am now.

    Though the things I have done to GLantri and Mystara since the 90s...

    Glad you joined this blogfest!

  3. happy blogoversary to you! this place is great, isnt it?!

  4. Hi, popping by from the blogfest. I hope you continue to enjoy the blogging journey! :-)

  5. Happy Blogaversary! Glad you are enjoying the journey!

  6. Happy blogoversary to you too! I hope you continue to enjoy your blogging journey!

    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  7. L.G. -- you are most welcome. Thank you everyone for your participation as well and your appearances here!

  8. Happy blogiversary to you too! :) It's such a great group of writers and general creative types 'round here.


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