
Friday, October 12, 2012

Bettellyn: The Grand Reliquary -- Part II

Continued from Part I.  Click HERE to go back.
Charts updated 10/14/2012

Areas 1b-4d.  Display Galleries

The seven towers feature four exhibition galleries on each of their intermediary levels.  Corner areas (20’x20’) can be accessed directly from the stairs.  Forcefields segregate 10’-wide strips recessed along the external walls, protecting exhibited contents from visitors.  Using a dimension door spell to get past will fail, resulting in the transgressor appearing instead outside the tower.  The sole source of light comes from the illusory windows during day time, or if the moon is up.  Small glints should reveal the presence of three dozen small bells imbedded in each forcefield.  They will drop to the floor if the forcefield is dispelled, alerting the bronze golem in Area 1 below.  Detect magic will reveal the presence of forcefields, but will mask any magical aura within the secured areas.  Forcefields reset 1 Turn after being dispelled, along with bells if still lying around nearby.  Naturally, Bettellyn's ecclesia will be on the lookout for thieves soon after they discover missing items.

After sunset and until sunrise, visitors should sense odd phenomena, as the towers are thoroughly haunted.  These should be treated as inoffensive but colorful random encounters (25% chance per viewing area visited; roll d20):

01-04  Cold spots, breath condensation (1 Turn, 20’ radius)
05-08  Unexplained drafts (will snuff out any non-magical light)
09-12  Knocks, thumps, footsteps elsewhere in the tower
13-14  Area of darkness (1 Turn, 20’ radius)
15-16  Whispers calling a visitor’s name; moving shadows
17-18  Hallucinations (1d4 rounds, related to a displayed object)
19-20  Random objects surreptitiously taken from their owners and placed alongside displayed items, etc.

Beyond bizarre manifestations, unnatural residents do not materialize unless an object on display is taken to another level of the tower or outside (30% chance).  The stolen item determines which entity may be roused (see D&D Rules Cyclopedia).  If objects are removed during day time, these entities may awake after sunset and search for their stolen belongings.  Each hour until sunrise, an entity has a base 15% chance of catching up with thieves, +5% per hour.  The process resumes the following night (starting over with basic chances), until the entity is destroyed or the object returned to the tower.  If an entity can touch its stolen object, they both vanish (the object reappears in the tower).

Type A:  Apparition
Type B:  Shade
Type C:  Poltergeist (shoots bells lying on the floor)
Type D:  Ghost, Neutral
Type E:  Ghost, Chaotic
Type F:  Revenant

Apparition: AC0, HD 10***, hp 45, MV 180’ (60’), AT# 2 claws, Dmg d6+2/d6+2, Save M10, ML10; AL C.  Special Attacks: fear, entrancing mist, attacks at +4 to hit.  Special Defenses: ethereal at first, +1 or better weapon to hit, may save against a “T” result when turned.

Shade: AC0, HD 11***, hp 50, MV 120’ (40’), AT# 1 dagger, Dmg 3d4, Save T11, ML9; AL C.  Special Attacks: 90% surprise odds, lethal fear.  Special Defenses: ethereal at first, +1 or better weapon to hit, may save against a “T” result when turned.

Poltergeist: AC-1, HD 12****, hp 54, MV 60’ (20’), AT#2 small bells, Dmg 1 + aging 10 years, Save F12, ML11; AL C.  Special Attacks: ectoplasmic net, gaze, aging.  Special Defense: +2 or better weapon to hit, may save against a “D” result when turned, immune to all but evil-affecting spells.

Ghost: AC-2, HD 14****, hp 63, MV 90’ (30’), AT# 1 touch + 1 gaze, Dmg paralysis + aging 1d4x10 years, Save F14, ML10; AL Any.  Special Attacks: magic jar, ectoplasmic net, gaze, aging.  Special Defense: +2 or better weapon to hit, may save against a “D” result when turned, immune to all but evil-affecting spells.

Revenant: AC-3, HD 18****, hp 81, MV 120’ (40’), AT# 2 claws/1 bite, Dmg 2d4/2d4/1d4+2, Save F18, ML10; AL C.  Special Attacks: 50% surprise odds, all attacks bear lethal poison, withers consumables, paralyzes plants and insects, 60’ leap + automatic hits on first three attacks.  Special Defense: +2 or better weapon to hit, immune to spells 1st-3rd level, may save against a “D” result when turned; comes back 1d4 Turns later if turned.  Spells: darkness, silence 15’ radius, cause disease, animate dead, finger of death cast as a C16.  Can summon 1d4 specters each night.

Displayed Objects

Two random lists help populate this exhibition.  Although magical, none of the items in the primary list are true artifacts, as described in the D&D game.  They are nonetheless priceless relics having belonged to personalities of Bettellyn’s past.  Command words are never listed in the items’ descriptions.  A secondary list provides other mundane objects also present in the displays.  Area 1a in all towers is empty.

Table 1 -- Featured Objects (d00)

  • 01-03.  Acorns (type B): Capharnaai Forever Acorns; after these seven acorns are buried, oak trees grow, one foot per hour until mature.  The original acorns then fall off.
  • 04-05.  Antlers headdress (type B): Baardur’s Ceremonial Headdress; the item enables the wearer to control woodland beings once per day, as the potion.  Over time, transforms the wearer into a stag.
  • 06-08.  Bear trap (type A): Ariocheel’s Jaws of Death; when set, becomes invisible.  Anyone trapped in the steel jaws is paralyzed.  A Strength of 18 or better is needed to pry the jaws open.
  • 09.  Beating heart (type E): Kezioth’s Trade; the heart of the previous person to have handled this magical jar with bare hands lies inside (at present the Vicar General of Outremer).  A handler is immune to non-magical damage while its heart lies inside.  If someone else handles the jar, hearts are swapped accordingly.  If the jar is destroyed, its last handler dies.  If the latter somehow perishes, its beating heart withers and vanishes.  Kezioth was the jar’s creator and its first handler.
  • 10. Belt buckle (type C): The Warning of Jakkodaiah; the belt buckle radiates an eerie amber aura within 100’ of enchanted creatures or creatures from another plane of existence, which includes all levels of this tower.
  • 11-12.  Boots, leather (type C): Fenezer’s Fancy Footwear; when worn, the boots may leave any footprints that their owner desires, including animal or monstrous, facing forward or backward.
  • 13-15.  Carpet, Bellissarian (type A): Salohirah’s Shaggy Concealment; when unrolled the shaggy rug can be used to completely mask an opening no more than 10’x10’.  The rug’s patterns take on the appearance of surrounding material to hide a door, a window, a pit, or any other flat section.  The rug clings to vertical or inverted surfaces.  Touching the carpet will reveal its nature.
  • 16.  Censor, brass (type C): Belnagor’s Serene Communion; when incense is burned inside this fist-sized, ball-shaped incensor, all living beings within 30’ radius become incorporeal along with their belongings, and are drawn inside the object unless they save vs. dragon breath.  They are released the next time the object is used.  A 31’ pole is available to keep the censor at a safe distance when using it.
  • 17-19.  Chalice, silver (type A): Naaromit’s Fortitude; any beverage drunk from the chalice restores magically drained strength.
  • 20-21.  Dice, animated (type A): Abbadez’s Uncanny Luck; the display includes a long shelf running along the entire length of the walls.  Two dice continually tumble back and forth.  Their owner can mentally control their scores, although after each use, a Wisdom Check is needed to avoid being possessed by the vice of gambling.
  • 23-24.  Dirt, black (type B): Abbreviated Interment of Ullathustra; the dirt sits inside a small sealed jar.  When thrown at an undead, the dirt creates a shallow grave that engulfs the undead and closes upon it (no save; single use only).  The undead emerges from the grave when someone disturbs the dirt once more.  The dirt comes from the hidden tomb of Ullathustra.  The jar is magical and needed to collect more dirt.
  • 25.  Embalming tool set (type B): Apharatea’s Ablative Apparatus; their last owner attracts undead until the tools are used to remove viscera and brain matter from a live subject; in particular, mummies will attack the last owner with a +2 to hit bonus.
  • 26.  Eyes, animated (type E): The Eyes of Bethiakaan; these disembodied eyes float inside a jar of bluish liquid, observing anyone moving by.  Staring into these eyes after sunset swaps them with those of the viewer.  The latter can see normally through the newly acquired eyes but also through the eyes now in the jar.  New eyes in the jar may be swapped again if someone else stares into them.  When it is found, the jar contains Bethiakaan’s undead eyes.  If his ghost is destroyed, his undead eyes melt.  If the jar is destroyed, the eyes inside melt as well.  If/when Bethiakaan’s ghost materializes, it bears dark pools in lieu of eyes.  It can only see through its undead eyes.
  • 27.  Feather, black (type F): Shiboroam’s Lost Love; the feather contains the life force of Shiboroam’s bride, Demosebah.  Its sole power is to allow its owner to sense the location of Demosebah’s remains (in a dragon’s lair in Randel).
  • 28.  Flagon, copper (type D): Ebbenaim’s Last Wish; the flagon contains a dose of elixir that, if imbibed, replaces one’s blood with tree sap.  It doubles the drinker’s longevity or undoes magical aging damage, but requires the latter to grow roots at night to feed.  Roots retract at sunrise.  Normal food and drink are no longer of use.
  • 29-30.  Font, carved alabaster (type B): The Cleansing of Obbasimous; this ornate font transforms any liquid poured into it into unsoiled, crystal clear, holy water.
  • 31-32.  Font, carved malachite (type C): Zechabbabel’s Fount of Life; a nymph carved from a red stone stands in the middle, holding a large ruby.  If anyone takes it, the gem vanishes, and the desecrator, becomes immune to natural or magical aging.  The latter never bleeds from wounds, but a point of damage from the first injury sustained each day never heals.  The desecrator’s blood instead appears in the font.  The ruby returns when the desecrator dies.  Zechabbabel was a necromancer.
  • 33.  Funeral Urn (type E): Ashes of Nehami-the-Twisted; knocks and muffled calls come from the urn.  If the urn is opened, ashes soar and spiral up to Area 5 (whence they cannot escape.)  Meanwhile, the one who opened the urn turns into ashes and is sucked inside (no save).  The only way to swap the two is with a “D” result on a Turning attempt upon the ashes, or if Nehami is defeated later in his ghost form.
  • 34-36.  Gauntlets, grayish leather (type A): Calcabbulon’s Handy Succor; these gloves are made of troll hide.  When both are worn, they bond with the owner’s hands, providing a regenerative ability (1 pt per Turn) as long as the owner isn’t killed outright.  The gauntlets enable lost limbs and other organs to regrow as long as the loss wasn’t lethal.  Over time, the owner’s skin turns gray-green and warty, resulting in a permanent loss of Charisma (-1d4 each time a new level is gained, down to a minimum of 5).  Hands must be hacked off to get rid of the gauntlets, short of the owner’s death.
  • 37-38.  Gold dragon scales (type B): Zeraphalidor’s Peaceful Dream; this section of gold dragon skin puts someone (up to 20 HD) into a deep, catatonic-like sleep if worn or otherwise used as a cover (no save; mindless or undead creatures are immune).
  • 39.  Great bow (type D): Tyraoth’s Truth; this great bow requires a St18 to string and draw.  This bow has twice a long bow’s range; a shot at short range inflicts double damage.
  • 40.  Great helm (type E): Danarkon’s Ineffable Glory; this winged helm confers a +2 bonus to AC and the ability to summon and command 1d4 rocs, once per adventure.  The wearer is automatically possessed (no save) if Danarkon comes to retrieve it.
  • 41.  Grimoire, leather (type F): Tammeliah’s Grimoire and Book of Recipes; is a repository of potion recipes and common brewing processes.  It enables a wizard to make potions as if five levels higher.  If not yet roused, Tammeliah may come to retrieve her grimoire each time it is used (25% chance when opened or when its pages are flipped if the book remained open since its last use).
  • 42-44.  Hammer (type A): Ebendalet’s Earcrusher; this +2 magical warhammer will destroy any common, non-enchanted door or gate with one hit.  It does however produce a clap of thunder (save vs. paralysis of become permanently deaf).
  • 45.  Hand, mummified (type C): Remains of Tanachmorai; a rune on its palm enables the one who speaks it to command the undead appendage.  An order may only involve an action lasting a Turn or less, after which the hand returns to its master.  The hand relies on levitation to move and fetch or manipulate small items.  AC3, HD 5+1**, hp 30, MV 60’ (20’), AT# 1 grasp, Dmg 1d12 + disease, Save F5, ML n/a; AL C.  Special Attack: choking grasp + disease (roll a Constitution check each round or lose consciousness; the hand lets go and flees if it sustains 20 pts of damage in a single round; rotting disease).  Special Defense: fear, immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells.  St 18, In 6, Wi 6, Dx 18, Co n/a, Ch n/a.  Can be turned as a mummy.  Can only be repaired with reversed healing spells.
  • 46-48.  Harp, ivory and gold (type A): Fortunata’s Divine Harmony; if played the harp reveals to all within earshot the presence of invisible or ethereal beings.  It also rouses all undead whose possession were disturbed or taken away (such as those from this tower), including Fortunata’s own manifestation.  The harp also reveals ectoplasmic manifestations causing the noises in the tower and random displacement of objects.
  • 49-50.  Hookah, golden (type B): Shaiphereth’s Diffuse Divagation; if any material is smoked with this hookah, the user’s incorporeal consciousness may safely explore the surroundings for 1 Turn before regaining consciousness.  Due to residual dizziness, the smoker's AC incurs a -2 penalty for the remainder of the day.
  • 51.  Horse barding and horseshoes (Type C): Gorganna’s Zephryreal Trappings; if fit to a warhorse, enables the mount to fly as a hippogriff when the command word is spoken.  It also confers the mount a +2 bonus to AC.  In presence of Gorganna’s ghost, the horse becomes a nightmare under her control.
  • 52.  Hunting horn (type C): Dalberron’s Great Hunt; the horn summons 1d6 hellhounds that will obey the owner for one combat encounter before vanishing.  If Dalberron is present, the hellhounds will obey the ghost instead.
  • 53-55.  Inkwell (type A): Rakkam-nezar’s Dismal Deliberations; this magical inkwell generates a black ink swirling with shadows and tiny furtive glances.  Its vapors form monstrous, deathly faces for a round after opening the inkwell.  Only the writer of words inscribed with this ink can decipher their true meaning.  To others, the writing seems to be about something of great interest to them at the time, but ultimately false and potentially dangerous.  The ink loses its properties if poured out of the inkwell.  Scrolls and spellbooks may be written with this ink.
  • 56-58.  Invisible cord (type A): Horem-Hod’s Unseen Device; one can only surmise the presence of this invisible and weightless rope from the shadow it casts.  When left alone, one frayed end of the coiled rope behaves like an upright snake.  On command, it can shoot forth up to 30’ and fasten itself around an object or attack someone.  The rope may be used to slow, entangle, or delay non-corporeal creatures as a whip would, except for Horem-Hod’s own manifestations which can control the rope.
  • 59-60.  Lantern, iron (type B): Ezhar-Hashai’s True Path; when lit and once per day, the lantern produces a brilliant flash in presence of a powerful evil.  The light damages all evil creatures in sight to suffer 6d6 points of damage (save vs. spell for half damage).
  • 61.  Libram, red leather (type E): Lazarath Book of Ancestors; if a wizard or a cleric reads the book, as little as just a few words, translucent, peaceful souls begin appearing around the reader, at the rate of one per round.  If the book is shut, thunder shakes the tower, and the souls turn into angry wraiths.  If the book is left open and the “ancestors” are offered gifts (100 gp per soul, immediately consumed) they leave and the book shuts itself.
  • 62-64.  Medallion (type A): The Light of Eziggith; the medallion protects the owner from physical attacks by undead creatures except for Eziggith's manifestation.
  • 65-67.  Mirror (type A): The Eye of Myrialath; the true nature of anyone standing before this tall mirror is revealed, including possessing spirits, doppelgangers, polymorphed beings, members of the Obsidian Spear, Watchers of Masauwu, etc. (except for creatures unable to bear a reflection).
  • 68-69.  Pearl, spinning (type B): Ufuzaiah’s Insightful Gift; a pearl spins continually inside a Ufuzaiah’s old clay cup.  If taken from the cup, the pearl imbeds itself in the owner’s forehead, imparting clairvoyance ability (as the potion).  If removed, magically or carved out, the owner remains blind.
  • 70-72.  Pile of gold (type A): Zacchaeus’s Plentiful Hoard; about 1,000 gp sit on Zacchaeus’s own desk.  The coins spill onto the floor when someone watches them, roll randomly about the secured area before crossing through the forcefield and dropping all around the watcher’s feet.  If picked up and placed in any container other than a bag of holding, they teleport to the desk 1d4 hours later. 
  • 73.  Prayer book (type C): Ichabor’s Exalted Words; when read from this book, the prayers enable a cleric to Turn Undead as if three experience levels higher, save for Ichabor's manifestation.
  • 74-76.  Quill (type A); Drawkcab of Pahath-Aram; this quill is used to inscribe common or magical writing spelled backward, or an inverted map.  When formed on a scroll, sigils or drawings vanish and reappear tattooed on the writer’s chest.  If read with a mirror, the writing vanishes once more.  Up to three spells can be written in this manner, or one elaborate map.
  • 77.  Ring, carved amethyst (type F): Ibsom’s Ring of Rings; once per adventure, this ring may be touched upon another and duplicate the latter’s powers.  The effect lasts for the remainder of the adventure.  The same ring cannot be copied more than once; only one ring may be copied during an adventure.  Any time the Ring of Rings loses its duplicated enchantment, this power is transferred to a master ring.  It is an immaterial band at the hand of Ibzom’s manifestation.  Ibsom’s master ring is limited to +5 bonuses, and only one of its accumulated powers can be invoked in any given combat round after which it vanishes.  It is rumored to connect with two other rings.
  • 78-79.  Robe, dark gray (type B): Oziel’s Shadowy Feat; on command and once a day, it enables the owner to becomes incorporeal and create swirls of darkness whipping around the robe.  The swirls inflict 3d6 damage (save for half damage) within 10’ radius for 1d4+1 rounds after which the owner regains his/her physical form and blends into any shadows within 30’ (as a thief hiding in shadows).  While incorporeal, movement is restricted to 90’ (30’).  Oziel’s manifestation is immune to the robe’s effects.
  • 80-81.  Sacred oil (type C): Searing Halo of Nehusim; this glass container is filled with a glowing liquid.  If exposed to air, the fine oil inside ignites, inflicting 5d6 damage within 10’ radius (save for half).  During the next 4 rounds, the blazing puddle expands another 10’ radius, inflicting one less die of damage each time, until it extinguishes itself (single use item).  Anyone coated with this substance suffers the stated damage each round.  The burning oil cannot be extinguished by any means.  If the container is thrown in the presence of Nekusim’s manifestation, the latter will catch it and leave.
  • 82-84.  Sandals, silver (type A): Kebzaim Brilliant Stride; once per day, on command, the sandals enable the wearer to produce and aim a beam of light 360’ long.  The wearer may become incorporeal and travel the beam up to its end point, traversing any intervening surface or opening permeable to light.
  • 85.  Shield (type D): Macchadan’s Answer; each time a physical melee attack against the owner fails while the latter uses the shield, 1 pt of damage is stored within the shield.  When stored damage matches the user’s experience level, the damage is released as a kinetic blast at a single attacker facing the shield (save for half) or as a half-damage cone 20’x10’ (save for one quarter).  Macchadan’s manifestation is able to drain and release as its own whatever damage is stored in the shield.
  • 86.  Skull, crystal (type E): Galabar’s Vacuous Regard; staring into the skull’s empty eye sockets enables the owner to scry, as a crystal ball, up to a century into the past.  Each gaze incurs a 10% chance of the user being randomly teleported to an undesirable place visited within the past day (from the user's point of view).
  • 87.  Staff (type C): Laamuel’s Equitable Share; once a day, on command, this +1 magical staff tallies all damage sustained by foes and allies within a 60’ radius, and alters it to an averaged out amount (no save), resulting in some gaining or losing hit points.  If used in presence of Laamuel’s manifestation, the effect is negated and Laamuel actually heals itself 1d4 hp per foe and at their expense (no save).
  • 88.  Steel plate (type E): Tubalrah’s Second Chance; this magical +3 armor negates damage from any single attack reducing the wearer’s hit points to zero or below.  When this power is activated, the armor drains 10% of the wearer’s present experience total, and leaves the wearer with a single hp.  The effect can only be activated once more after the user regains maximum hit points.  If Tubalrah’s manifestation is present, negated damage heals the undead.
  • 89-91.  Stuffed stag (type A): Last Quarry of Nevrahim the Hunter; if activated, summons a ghostly stag that can be mounted to travel through woods unseen, unheard, and untracked.  If Nevrahim is present, the stag takes the rider to the ethereal plane.
  • 92-93.  Sword, normal (type B): Japhet’s Fateful Blade; half of the damage rolled (rounded down) inflicted by this +2 magical weapon heals its owner’s wounds.  In the presence of Jahaphet’s manifestation, the sword inflicts damage to its owner instead (full score rolled, no save), although delayed 4 rounds later.
  • 94.  Sword, two-handed (type F): Adbeejah’s Soul-Splitter; this +1 magical weapons earns an additional +1 damage bonus with any single attack inflicting 8 points of damage or more (unmodified roll), up to +5.  At what would otherwise be +6, the sword drains one experience level or one monster HD (live-blooded beings only; saving throw negates).  Earned bonuses last until the end of the combat encounter.  Veins grow on the blade as it gains strength.  Level drains either heal Abdeejah’s manifestation or enable it to earn extra HD until the next sunrise.
  • 95.  Tent (type C): Yashti’s Final Resting Place; the tent drains a point of Strength from its occupants, per hour spent sleeping inside.  At zero Strength, occupants die and their lifeforce strengthen Yashti’s ghost.
  • 96.  Trumpet, bronze (type E): The Voice of Ramshadim; the trumpet opens a portal to the plane of The Seven.  Its use was forbidden and its owner stricken down for transgressing the law (25% chance of a guardian archon noticing).
  • 97.  Unicorn horn (type D): Horn of Samaphim; if waived over the remains of an evil beast, the horn raises the creature fully and changes its alignment to Lawful (incorporeal creatures are immune).  If Neutral, the revived creature also becomes a Companion of Astafiel.  If the creature was Lawful, the body isn’t revived, but the soul departs to serve Astafiel, regardless of the manner in which death occurred.  Samaphim’s manifestation is a Companion of Astafiel and will not allow the same party to use the horn more than once.  Samaphim is an extension of Astafiel and cannot be permanently destroyed.
  • 98-00.  White plume (type A): Pasgarath Owned It; when worn, the plume confers an extra +2 (+10%) bonus to Charisma checks.  If the Charisma check fails, however, the wearer suffers instead a temporary –2 Charisma penalty (until the next sunrise; no save)

Table 2 – Accompanying Mundane Objects (d00)

  • 01-04.  Boar’s head, stuffed owlbear, spotted jackalope pelt, lion headdress
  • 05-08.  Large censor, wood carving of Ardoryl, clay bowl and lump of soap
  • 09-12.  Bloody bag, smoked meat, hunting knife, hunting traps and snares
  • 13-16.  Crude wooden altar, wooden bowls, tinder box
  • 17-20.  Collection of silverware and vermeil plates
  • 21-24.  Backpack, iron pan, waterskin, bedroll, a coil of rope
  • 25-28.  Potted rosebush, tree stump, small jars filled with spices, powdered mushrooms, and other crushed roots
  • 29-32.  Black cloak, feathered hat, snow shoes, and a silk mask
  • 33-36.  Spyglass, eye patch, a porcelain eye, a bag of beads, a jar of pickled beholder eyestalks, and a magnifier
  • 37-39.  Wicked-looking dog sled, whip, eight spiked leather collars, burned bones
  • 40-43.  Leather jerkin, leather gloves, necklace of bear fangs, collection of hunting arrows
  • 44-47.  Tapestry representing a woman with a blackbird, cradle draped in black veil, rocking horse, golden cage, whistle
  • 48-51.  False beard, walking stick, assorted set of silver cups, old coat
  • 52-55.  Collection of manuscript scrolls on the history of people and nations, bust of a past queen, tapestry representing Alphatia’s Landfall
  • 56-59.  Eagle-shaped brooch, unidentifiable clockwork device, crystal cube, necklace of praying beads
  • 60-62.  Set of twelve miniature warriors, prayer wheel, lump of coal, soiled bandages, war drum
  • 63-65.  Ebon comb, brush, black lace mantilla, vial of perfume, small music box
  • 66-68.  Two silver candelabra, wax candles, spectacles fitted with smoked lenses, jar with balm
  • 69-71.  Pillow, sculpted egg, set of false teeth, leather bag
  • 72-74.  Doorknob, large iron key, jar of dust, painter’s palette
  • 75-77.  Six black candles, crucible, obsidian box, jar of nail clippings
  • 78-81.  Old shirt, pair of torn socks, wooden paddle, crystal goblet, porcelain chamber pot, silver pitcher
  • 82-85.  Blacksmith hammer, tongues, bellows, iron chains, bucket of nails, sack of coal
  • 86-88.  Clay figurines, crossbow and quarrels, red velvet cloak, wolfsbane
  • 89-91.  Manual of theology, silver key, cleric pectoral
  • 92-94.  Locket, makeup, ivory comb
  • 95-97.  Silk screen, spinning wheel, golden wig
  • 98-00.  Tibia, ribs, skull, pile of teeth, shroud, fake partridge on a potted pear tree

Updated 10/14/2012.  Click HERE to continue.

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