
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Alphatian Province of Stoutfellow -- Updated June 28th

Mapped with Hexographer

Since this is an extra-large map, you can download it from HERE.  Because of Stoutfellow's shape, I had to include Limn and Stonewall, as well as a chunk of Haven.  I took the liberty of updating some details in Limn and Stonewall.  This map definitely approaches the limits of what my computer can handle.  I'm glad nothing crashed, but I did have a number of hangups and temporary freezes, especially when working with an overlay.  Onward.  Next step: the realm down below.

And now Thorfinn Tait's version for good measure!


  1. Wonderful, Bruce! You're leaving me behind in the dust, and I just can't wait to see what you come up with next. The realm down below sounds exciting.

    1. Thanks Thorf. Your support and suggestions early on helped me great deal completing this sort of project in a half-way decent manner. A tip of the hat back to you!

  2. You write Blackheart in Shiye Lawr. Real Blackhert is in the north.

    1. Yep, you're right. I'll have to fix that later. Thanks for the notification.

    2. Fixed, in addition to several other tags.


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