
Monday, March 26, 2012

On and Off at Gary Con IV -- Part Four

Day Four—Sunday morning, the 25th

Tom Wham & Dave Conant
Tom Wham
It's another gorgeous Spring day. After a cup of java, and phone calls back home to my son and my mother, Janet and I are off again to the convention. Tom and Dave are already getting prepared for another game in the hotel's lobby. 

Drive Safely!
Nearby, a fellow conventioneer is preparing to leave. He had a really good time. He tells me this is the best of small conventions—where else would you able able to meet TSR staffers so easily? It's so much more personal; it feels family-like. I agree wholeheartedly. He'll be back with his wife next year and will take extra time to visit the area. The idea crosses my mind that Gary Con should organize for its fans a visit of TSR's old headquarters on Sheridan Springs Road. On a Sunday afternoon, it ought to work.

Fresh from the dungeon
Janet and I head downstairs to the dealer's room. I get another thank you from Jeff Easley for last night. He's had a good convention. His business here is better than at Gen Con. That's amazing but I can understand why. In the process I end up with one of his prints—the one depicting the painting used for Wrath of the Immortals. Kindly, he signs and numbers it. I'm ecstatic.

Labor of love.
The young & hopeful
We walk over to Diesel's table. I get a small pendant with the Leo zodiac symbol for my son's birthday this summer. Janet begins a conversation with Diesel about artwork, our web page and his. I turn and gaze at the folks across the aisle who are painting miniatures. I play with the camera and get a few more shots. Next to their table stand a series of illustrations. I recognize one from Diesel's own hand, the lizardman from the first edition Monster Manual, I think. Neat. Snap!
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't.
Bobby & Chris
Onward for a last look at the convention site. On the way out we meet two of my gaming buddies, Bobby and Chris. Bobby is all excited because he just realized his previous boss, Harold Johnson, had a long history with gaming and TSR specifically. 

We tell him more about Harold's involvement with Gen Con and his theatrical performances. Harold was in one of the early reader's theater productions of the Weis and Hickman Traveling Road Show that helped market the Dragonlance books.

James Ward once again at work
Our last stop is in the gaming room in the back. Jim Ward is there, running another game. Frank's at the next table. Luke Gygax gets up and greets me. He apologizes for not being able to introduce me to his wife. She had to leave for a family event. Next time, for sure. I let him know about the possibility of organizing a tour of old TSR for the fans. He smiles and says it's perfectly doable. We shake hands one more time. Good luck then! Yeah, okay. See you next year.

Not to be outbid, Frank Mentzer

That's it for us. Janet and I head outside. It's the end of this little adventure. We'll be back next year. Now, I get to go home and finish putting down all my thoughts in writing. Hope you enjoy them.

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Gary Con IV Album


In Memoriam

Dave Arneson
Bob Choby
Michael Cook
Penny Eifert
E. Gary Gygax
Don Kaye
Keith Parkinson
David Ritchie
Jim Roslof
Don Snow
Dave Sutherland
Don Turnbull
Janis Wells
Jean Wells

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