These are notes I'd written (to myself?) about the price of bread and how it can be used to balance out the cost of goods and services in a D&D setting. This page reflects the economy of
Thyatian Hinterlands (see my previous blog post). I hope these notes aren't too obscure.
Here is a comparison between D&D coins and real world equivalents. The top row (in green) refers to Roman coinage. Pound Sterling is, of course, English currency. Livre Tournois and Livre Parisis are French currency. The existence of the farthing and obolus (and the absence of a D&D equivalent) infers how inflated D&D economy usually is.
The worksheet proceeds to compare the price of bread in the Thyatian Hinterlands with the price of bread in AD1250 Western Europe. It turns out, it's a bit more expensive, but marginally so which, thankfully, has a minor impact on the the cost of local "minimum wages" so to speak. The price of bread fluctuates depending on the dominion's economic situation and whether any/how badly its people are starving.
Here are prices of goods and services inspired from real world historical data, and what they amount to in D&D terms. Prices did vary depending on the century, so I had to settle for a range corresponding roughly to XIIIth Century western Europe.
Done! Hope you found this informative. The above price list shows suggested D&D prices, which reflect the Hinterlands' economy. The bottom of the price list suggests a new coin (cheaper than a copper) might be needed. Any ideas anyone? Pebbles and shells? A tiny copper piece, or one cut into four quarters, "only" worth 240 farthings!?